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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. First timers often drop eggs. 2nd or 3rd time they learn how to do it right. Water quality can also cause this, however.
  2. From the very beginning the members here have worked to make this forum a friendly and welcoming place. A place where over moderation is not an issue because we rely on policing ourselves, and offer knowledge freely to further the shrimping hobby for both newbies and advanced shrimpers. With close to 40,000 posts now and 670+ members from a year after starting, I consider this site to be an example of what true shrimpers can do together in a friendly atmosphere. Anyone can have a forum. It takes teamwork to feel like family! We're glad you are with us Crazyfishlady.
  3. No health concerns. Probably dropped the eggs. First berry?
  4. I have one jar of 250g Salty Shrimp Sulawesi Mineral 8.5 never opened. I bought it and then changed my mind. Retail from Alphapro it costs $25.95, but I'm willing to sell mine for $15 plus whatever actual shipping is. Send me a pm. First one gets it.
  5. I tried melafix on some healthy crays and they died overnight. Not sure I'd trust it on shrimp...
  6. It'll be interesting to find out if the tea has an effect.
  7. I see this: The water should be rich in carbonates (KH high,> 10) to maintain this decorative feature on the shell . Otherwise, it is the conventional parameters of a snail Sulawesi must be respected: pH basic > 7.4, GH relatively high (> 15) to improve the formation of the shell, and temperature hot enough, if possible above 25 ° C. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.aquaportail.com/fiche-invertebre-2389-tylomelania-perfecta.html&usg=ALkJrhiBZPwXbV07MSUH0ryn20WnbYq3pw
  8. Big pieces have flex. The smaller the piece, the less flex.
  9. I have to be honest with you. I selectively breed shrimp for a hobby, and instead of extra money- I wind up in the red.
  10. Anyone else having problems with paypal's multiorder shipping?
  11. Should make a fun project for you. Start a journal on it. I'd love to follow along.
  12. Are you going to breed for the stripe? (neon)
  13. This particular tank uses a re purposed UP Aqua shrimp sand. It used to buffer around 6.3, then I dried it out in the oven and stored it for about a year. Now it buffers to 5's. Not sure if the drying out in the oven had something to do with it or not. Would be an interesting experiment for someone to try with just a cup full. Maybe I'll try it with some new sand coming in.
  14. If your temp is stable, you will be able to better pinpoint how much is needed when ph is dropped to a certain reading. Some people mix, but I just drop in the spoonful. It will dissipate pretty rapidly, and you should have your reading (if you have good water movement) within an hour. If your movement is minimal, wait 12 - 24 hrs, and see the reading then.
  15. +1 to Chib. That's what I use to bump mine up a bit. Only do a pinch at a time though. I have a .15cc spoon I use for my 10g. One leveled spoon will raise my ph by ~.13 Yours will differ, but by finding an accurate way to measure each time, you will have your knowledge you need for your tank. Also, be aware that temperature also plays a role in ph with low kh.
  16. RO does not need Prime. I use UP Aquasand with great results. Haven't had to change it in around 2 years and still buffers. Some people have had ti not buffer for some reason. Not sure why. But mine works fine. Fluval remin works fine. I used it for my CRS tank before switching to SS gh+. Since I have a lot of tanks, GH+ is more economical for me.
  17. Yepper. Large sponge, or contact H4N for Stainless Steel shrimp safe mesh.
  18. Is this a new strain? I've never seen these before. Man are they pretty!
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