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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. If I were to work on a line of Miniature CPO [~ 1/2 inch, or 1cm], do you think there would be any market? I love selective breeding, however I have to be realistic about selling anything I "create" in order to continue my hobby. *Honest* Opinions?
  2. Isn't the dog just one species? Canis lupus familiaris The others that breed to make up the bull dog are just variations, no?
  3. That was my thought, too. Seems there are differences of opinion for people. Is anyone able to back up their opinions with references?
  4. Wouldn't hurt if you are trying to mature it faster. Kind of like inoculating I guess.
  5. When algae grows on the three glass walls other than the front panel, I keep it.
  6. I just do gh+ to TDS 300. But I'm still learning.
  7. I just posted on fb about yellow king kong being a hybrid between TT and KK. Soon after, someone posted they are not a hybrid anymore since they breed true. It was then that I realized I have a gap in my knowledge. When do hybrids become a "pure breed?" I'd like to learn.
  8. Many of our shrimp tend to slow down or stop breeding during winter. I suppose bacteria could infect at any temperature, however usually the lower the temp, the less chance of infection.
  9. LOL I think we are pretty good here. I just think this got blown way out of proportion.
  10. Yepper. Alleni. That pic above helped a great deal. Clarkii touches where the shell on the thorax comes together. Also, clarkii have pronounced raised bumps, and this is relatively smooth.
  11. You may want to pull the ones that appear white, and put them into quarantine. Hopefully this will stop infection of healthy ones.
  12. My understanding is that bacteria live off proteins on the glass, and the combination is biofilm. Not sure what food algae produces...what a great question!
  13. Calvin, I'm super interested in your project. Only by having true strains can we figure out what YxZ makes. Welcome!
  14. Have you considered selectively breeding to bring out the red? It looks ot me like it could develop into stripes. I think an interesting var could be made with red striped on a blue background. You'd probably have a good start (if you cull) within 3-4 generations, and I'd love to follow your journal doing that.
  15. Algae actually produces a byproduct that the shrimp eat as food. So while the shrimp don't eat the algae itself, they do eat the food teh algae produces. However, some like clean glass and that is okay, too. Other foods are available.
  16. I agree that environment has a great deal to do with coloration hyoushoku. However astaxanthin also has an effect on neos for certain. Here's a short post of my own test of astaxanthin on neo yellow shrimp: As you can see, it changed the color quite dramatically. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1665-omniapro-for-yellow-shrimp/page-2#entry24037
  17. LOL You have more guts than me shipping without a heat pack. Congrats on the new arrivals!
  18. I don't. I made it a point not to feed my neos astax anymore. The new omoniapro does not have astax, I am told.
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