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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Agreed about what crabs. Some people have done microcrabs. Larger crabs may try to eat shrimp because they are omnivores. However, neos or malawa may outbreed however much the crab eats.
  2. That purple is outstanding! What type of light? I'm guessing blue leds?
  3. Wouldn't be snowball for two reasons. 1) Snowballs are clear 2) Snowballs are Neo Palmata, while cherries are Neo davidi It hasn't been out and about after I took teh last pic, but I just came in from shoveling so I'll see now. Awesome you may have one too!
  4. In a perfect world, yes...but we're dealing with shrimp, and the genetics aren't as simple as punnet squares most times.
  5. There seems to be evidence of two types of rili (through breeders' posts). One is dominant, the other recessive. From playing with my rilis, all so far have been recessive for me- sometimes even to the point of not popping up again in the f2 generation.
  6. You have to hurry up and make more. Shrimpers want to buy.
  7. Trying to not get too excited here. White neos have been a holy grail sought after by the most diligent breeders... I *think* I see a white neo with a little orange on it in one of my tanks. Trying to calm down and think rationally- It's not clear, and it looks like pigment and definitely not infection. It also doesn't look so far like a thickening of the shell, but if something seems too good to be true... Things running through my mind right now...could the orange color have been mutated somehow with a dilution gene? Is this reproducible or a one off? Is this a true mutation? Is this really what I think I'm seeing? I mean....really??? Dangit! Batteries are dead in my one camera, but I grabbed another one and was able to get this pic.
  8. Soothing Shrimp


    For me, the lower the temp- the less active they have been.
  9. Why would I need reference solutions? If the back of the drinking water labels ph, and my meter matches up, then why would I need to recalibrate?
  10. *shrugs* I've never had any problem with gh+. I'm sure part was MK's belief in his products, and perhaps part was a seller's sales pitch. From what I hear, his products are top notch, but I'm sure he would like a wider sales base as well.
  11. Me? Gh+ . I tried the gh/kh and personally did not like it. However some other people here have had no issues with it. Either one will work fine.
  12. "You can calculate how much Salty gH+ to add accurately to your tank using a formula Volume x Delta x Factor. " Shrimpshack, would you please explain that equation? I've not heard about this.
  13. Display thingy. heh I like to have my ph a tad bit higher than my substrate pulls it to. So when the ph drops too far, I adjust ph again.
  14. All legal or illegal activities seem to rest on buyers instate, and not from sellers out of state.
  15. He seems to be awol alot lately. Must be pretty busy.
  16. This free as well, and a great photo editor: http://www.irfanview.com/
  17. LOL Right. I just bought out Duke's brownies strain, and have mischlings, crs and cbs coming to me.
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