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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Hmmm...we did have a discussion about a snail a while back with a squared off shell... Let me see if I can find it...
  2. I used to use baking soda for my red card project. It would raise and hold the ph for about 3 weeks then the ph would slowly drop again. Some things to know though- I had a 10g tank, worked with tiny measuring spoons (equivalent perhaps to hand pinches,) and was only bringing my ph up about .3 So, your results may differ from mine.
  3. Yeah. Just found out the hard way about barley pellets.
  4. This was a year ago and was prob my fault. Perhaps I overdosed? I know I didn't do water changes because my bottle info said recommended, but not necessary. I only tried it on one tank though, and I know coincidences sometimes happen. I trust Vpier too, so if it worked for him it must be okay. I'm just gunshy now of it.
  5. Bostoneric is correct. Lots of different strains, lots of misinformation, and lots of secrets.
  6. Chaz is a great guy with a good reputation. I tried his hair algae killer last year, and my shrimp died. Maybe it was error use on my part? Too gun-shy to try again.
  7. Oranges are from reds. Several places yellows are from. Wilds and diamonds are two.
  8. I'd love to see if others could replicate your "remission!"
  9. Still sounds like an amano to me. (?) Do you have a pic?
  10. Many of you know I was into breeding inverts for years. Then I made the decision to quit the hobby...needless to say that didn't last too long! LoL A passion is a passion! :-) Now, I'm very slowly building up my collection again. I still have an adult female CPO. So I'm looking for a male CPO to buy and breed her to. If thats not possible, I may be willing to buy a cheap package deal. Anyone?
  11. Glad to hear that. He is still getting our prayers and good wishes. :-)
  12. If you don't have a bubbler, it's better than nothing. Do you have any O2 plants such as hornwort?
  13. The best scenario for sure. heh In neos, the fem carries the color gene and I think in cards it is the belief the male does- so didn't know the answer to tupfel.
  14. In TT does the male of female carry the color traits? Or does it matter?
  15. I won't be in it this year unfortunately, but I will say whomever enters and is a seller of shrimp- their sales will rise dramatically.
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