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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Only top off with ro water. When the water evaporates, it leaves the minerals behind. Don't add gh+ unless you do a wc.
  2. That's fantastic! I say you get out of a forum what you put into it. You asked a lot of questions, offered opinions and in return you learned what works for you, and had a chance to share. Nice job! I'm guessing she has done the best with what little information she has gotten- which isn't surprising since very little information is available in a pet store. "Dark reds," I'm guessing means more solid cherries. She was probably sold that locally and the breeder said "these are dark reds." Whatever is the case, encourage her to come here and get addicted. LOL She sounds like a shrimper in the making!
  3. @Archie *in singsong voice*...I can see up your nostrils...I can see up your nostrils LOL
  4. +1 to what poopians posted. Also, if you just want to test the waters with cheap low grade cherry shrimp, I've seen some people post them here for a buck each.
  5. Neither do I. I've had bad experiences from very well meaning employees putting the box off to the side for safety and forgetting about them.
  6. Could be. I just bought 3 bags. Hopefully they'll come in soon.
  7. Old thread, but my cpos finally got the hang of breeding. I first got them because they looked a lot like pumpkin shrimp. Within a couple days, I fell in love. Their personalities are incredible, and the fact that they stay small is awesome. No harm to plants either. It's like MTS all over again! LOL
  8. I'll try that poopians, however last time it was well over a month.
  9. Each buyer has to make their own decision when buying crayfish, however this may help know the laws in your state. http://faculty.utpa.edu/zfaulkes/marmorkrebs/crayfish_laws.html The above is from 2009. If anyone has an updated list, please post it. Thanks.
  10. That makes sense then. Thanks for teaching me that.
  11. Amazon is out of the above. Any suggestions where to get it for a reasonable price?
  12. Congratulations to Luke as well! Luke just wrote me and alerted me to problems with the auction, so I've offered to send him 3 cpo as well for the winning auction price. It's not their fault the auction is screwy!
  13. Miwu, is it available through paypal or only USPS site?
  14. Theory is that carbons came from chocolates.
  15. OKay guys, according to the auction log, thegardenofeder won the crays. (Not sure why Luke is mentioned on the front page by the closing bid?) Congrats garden!
  16. I know a common complaint has been hulk turn into KK as they get older. Not all do, so maybe yours will stay.
  17. Oops, you said that out loud Jadenlea. LOL
  18. That surprises me. Because BV came from RR, You should end up getting cherry, RR, BBRR, and BV. Thanks for sharing your results.
  19. I don't think anyone is putting any suspicion towards you, unless you have multiple accts my friend.
  20. I'm able to see IP addresses since I'm maintenance crew here. Do you have a particular raok in mind?
  21. Looks Hulk to me, but I don't have as much experience with crystals/tb as others do.
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