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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Nope. But I'm going to work with dukendabears' strain to see what I can do.
  2. yepper. This one: I'm hoping I can see additional pics.
  3. I'm very interested in seeing pics of those. He said he may be able to post pics, Sunday.
  4. +1 Smart way of doing it Monty.
  5. I recently went to my post office and told them that my customer wanted a hold for pick up. Blank look, "I don't know what that is-" quickly turned to "I don't think we offer that." The best I could do was write HOLD FOR PICK UP on 5 sides and hope the receiving post office knew better.
  6. I'm actually wondering if the brown is a layer of red and a layer of black that causes the color, since pbl doesn't seem to display this. (?)
  7. Neocaridina cf. Zhangjiajiensis has been reclassified as Neo Palmata. Blueberry is different than BP, although it is also Palmata. Not only is the color different, but they do not breed true. Some attribute this to the food they've eaten.
  8. So do I connect the monitor to the card outlit then?
  9. I have 1 hard drive, but my 2nd computer crashed, so I currently have a 2nd one hooked up to it for the data.
  10. Has anyone created a brownie strain of crystals?
  11. Intel core 2 cpu hp dc7700 small form factor base unit
  12. *shrugs* If you'd like to not listen to my knowledge about neo shrimp coloration, that's fine. But blue pearl is a different shrimp altogether- Neo Palmata, not neo davidii.
  13. Oh cool! What's cheap that I can put in the slots and what difference will it make? Yeah, I'm ignorant of this stuff, but since I have this old computer open I may as well stuff it. LOL One advantage I have is since the computer is old, the cards are often cheap. I was buying 516 memory cards for less than $5 ea off ebay.
  14. A lot depends if there is pigment on the shell, or pigment in the tissue. Pigment on the shell would be orange rili (at this point in time), and tissue would be yellow
  15. I don't know much about computer hardware. I do know I updated my RAM to ~2g and now my very old computer stopped freezing on me! YAY! However while I was doing that, I noticed these card slots. What are these for?
  16. May be an orange rili, or maybe a true yellow rili. Beautiful rili pattern!
  17. Don't know. LOL We haven't asked. Actor's are vain, my friend. If they hear of a project, everyone wants in.
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