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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Be prepared for it not to suds up as much. That's just because of no extra gunk added.
  2. What did you miss? Well let's see... crs are now called candy canes; black tigers are now called tar; and shrimping is now called underwater bugging. I think that's all. Did I forget anything anyone?
  3. If it works, that's all you can ask for.
  4. Officials caught eating an endangered giant salamander in China, even though their legislature passed a bill last April approving a law that included prison sentences for people caught eating rare wild animals. It's silly to accuse a race of people, but I sure understand accusing those in power who believe they are better than anyone else. Do the crime, do the time. Boys- take them away! http://news.yahoo.com/china-officials-dine-endangered-salamander-reports-050530902.html
  5. I have blue splotched carbons. Also some bv.
  6. Let me know if you plan on carrying them.
  7. That UGF is sweet for DIY. I may have to try that too!
  8. I think many of us have had problems with other forums. That's why we really have to make sure we're open and accepting of new members here, and self police to keep things friendly.
  9. Inquiring minds want to know about 'dem 'dare purple neos.
  10. I suck at those flat discs. They keep breaking apart and shooting lethal shards all over.
  11. I find my neos do fine in 0 kh, so IMO all that is needed is epsom salt if you want to go that route. calcium carbonate will raise your gh, but also your kh, so the preference is up to you. Some people like larger kh to avoid ph swings.
  12. fenben will kill nerites and mixed reports on mystery snails. I agree. Remove before treating.
  13. "2 little fishies" is the name of the company. Only 1 mag. Still interested?
  14. Why not just take it out of the case and let it hang, or rest on the shelf? I do that all the time.
  15. I've never understood the age thing on legit hobby forums. After all, it's the young that are going to be taking over for us. I'd rather they learn the right way than from someone who *thinks* this is correct, or from the LFS.
  16. LOL I have to admit I thought the same thing when I saw the pic, Ron. I'm interested in the answer though.
  17. Not necessarily, however I have had shrimp make the occasional small saddle that previously were loaded up pretty well.
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