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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. monty, how did you dose clay without it building up on the substrate?
  2. I remember you posting pics of those monty. Would you do that again please? AT some point I'd love to replicate your Bengals.
  3. I'm guessing age, or maybe just from a small saddle. Make a note of it, and watch what happens next clutch.
  4. The first is correct, but the 2nd name hasn't been used for years. Here's yet another story of where shrimp names get confusing. When the red rili started throwing red rilis with blue tissue, everyone started calling them blue rilis. Then people started to selectively breed the red out until they looked like this. This is now what is referred to as a blue rili: Unfortunately now sellers have knowingly and unknowingly started labeling blue velvets as blue rilis and blue rilis as blue velvets because they look the same, although the velvet has a dilution gene. So most often the BR is the one above that is referred to now. If that isn't confusing enough, otehr people started to get the idea that they wanted to breed this type which is also called blue rili: Several people get the BR and BV mixed up all teh time, and I know there won't be any straightening that out except with serious hobbyists. However I've been using BBRR (Blue Bodied Red Rili) for the one with blue tissue and red head/body, and blue carbon from the last shrimp pictured. It just seems to make more sense to me as a hobby breeder.
  5. Yeah. I think it may have been a molting problem (provided the fish left her alone.) Lowest gh I've been able to keep mine at were 6. Anything lower and they would start to die off.
  6. Is there such a thing as electric pinks? Or are you joking with me? I'm glad the shrimp are doing well for you.
  7. I'd not heard of those color theories with shrimp. It makes full sense in theory though. Problem is most times red x yellow = wild To confuse matters more I once had a red x yellow cross give reds and yellows and wild, but no orange. I think shrimp colors (even the same color) may reside at different loci, which is why one cherry cross may yield something different than a replication that yields something else. Unfortunately, shrimpers so far are not as serious about color genes yet than other people in different hobbies. Heck, herpers often figure out colors all the way down to different types of anery (Anery "A", Anery "B".) (Ie. cornsnake, geckos) Same with mammal folks (Ie. mouse, rabbits), and fish folks (Ie. guppies, bettas) This is sorely lacking in shrimp and very frustrating as a hobby breeder. The only thing I have been able to do is by observation. I'm sure some chocos carry a blue gene. However since they throw everything else under teh sun, they carry lots of genes that intercombine as well.
  8. A tip though, do 1/2 of the double sponges when cleaning, then let bacteria build up again-THEN do the other.a week to 2 weeks later.
  9. James, I'd absolutely LOVE to. It's just I'm a beginner. Do you know any knowledgeable people or people into crays to invite?
  10. Did you test Nits, gh and TDS? Also, how did you acclimate the shrimp?
  11. I have a 2 little fishies NanoMag. New, never used, and still in package. Safe for glass and acrylic tanks. $10 w/free economy shipping. or I can add some neos/cpo for a trade for crs/cbs/snows/TB
  12. No, not common at all. I'm wondering if she has a problem molting.
  13. yepper. Procambarus Alleni. I have a white currently, and am getting in 2 prs of blues. (pic from google) Problem is, I used to have a white pair, and when I placed the male in with the fem, she killed him. So I'm pretty sure I did something wrong. And since I am a newby at this, if anyone has tips, I'd appreciate it. And Lunar, I am branching out, but out of fish and into crays.
  14. 1 jar will last a very long time for you. 1 small scoop for a 5g is something like 6gh/100TDS
  15. Doesn't really matter, as long as water is moving through it. Above water is quieter, but all mine are below.
  16. I haven't yet. Some forums just do chit chat about anything, and some are not very friendly.
  17. Try 100% ro. When I used tap I had unexplained deaths.
  18. heh I found some, but I was hoping some people had first hand experience on some.
  19. This may help you out for future shrimp as well. http://www.shrimpkeeping.com/water-params/ The only thing I would add to that is when I kept neos under 6gh, they would slowly die off.
  20. Have no answer for that one. Mine doesn't raise. Test the mix after sitting. If it's not the mix, it's something in your tank.
  21. Theory is that carbons came from chocolates. Orange rili is from orange, and yellow rili is orange rili with not enough pigment that sellers sell as "yellow." Extremely few real yellow rili have popped up from yellows, and so far I don't know of a real strain. I have some that popped up in my new yellow strain I'm going to try my hand at making into a rili strain. The major challenge is that many yellows are very light in color, so that mixed with rili would just look like an uneven shrimp you would cull. I'm trying to mix some of the authentic yellow rilis with my Sunshine strain to make the yellow bold enough to see that they actually are rili and have clear separation of color.
  22. Anyone know have any personal experience with crayfish forums?
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