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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. My main food now is Ominiapro without astaxanthin. Looks like good nutrition, and they like it. I also use snowflake and AE.
  2. Looks to me like diatoms. At least that's what someone told me it was a long time ago and I've referred to it that way ever since, so take that with a grain of salt. They tend to go away on their own as the tank ages.
  3. 1. thegardenofeder 2. Rodan76 3. cindygao0217 4. Elo500 5. Poopians 6. Merth 7. Slycat929 8. Glasshalffull 9. Vinn 10. Adrand 11. Metageologist 12. Nick_R 13. Fishprinceofca 14. Mr Blue Panda 15. Roborep1 16. Miwu 17. r45t4m4n 18. James Aquatics 19. Greenteam 20. Duff0712 21. ANBU 22. sillyclownloach 23. mbenjamin16 24. Shrimple minded25 25. Soothing Shrimp
  4. Many of us had (and have) the occasional TOD- especially while learning shrimping. Have you considered using remin Ro?
  5. Could there be an outside influence as well? Are you using an aerosol close to the tank for instance? Also, what acclimation did you use?
  6. Yepper. Need to lower gh and TDS for shrimp, but you already know that.
  7. If your significant other has learned to accept it, he's ahead of many of our partners.
  8. Blind- refer to the ongoing OEBT debate. I think red tigers come from a different location.
  9. I'm impressed! That really looks great. Have you considered non-slip material on top of the wood where the glass will rest? It may also provide some cushioning. I'm thinking the rubber mesh that goes under a rug, maybe?
  10. Currently I have a convict pr. that make short work of culls.
  11. Everybody's water is different, however keep in mind when you add aeration to your RO, the ph often goes up.
  12. Sure it is worms and not fungus? I occasionally have white fungus grow on my adult marms, but it doesn't harm them. Either way, this is a great general cure for almost anything exterior, including shell rot: Take out of aquarium 40g salt w/o iodine to 1 gallon water. Soak 20-30 minutes Rinse with freshwater Put into tank. Provided the "parasites" are not there anymore, the cray will be fine by next molt.
  13. Just one of the common names. Still Cambarellus patzcuarensis var. Orange This is the striped kind. There are the solid orange kind I am still trying to locate, and I vaguely hear of a blue, but the kind I have right now are the striped.
  14. To tempt you more, I'll also trade packages for crs/cbs, TB, TiB, or Pinto.
  15. Yeah. None of my yellows are breeding right now. Hoping when spring comes that will change.
  16. Ain't it purdy? Little guys with BIG personality! Cambarellus patzcuarensis var. Orange are small brightly orange lined dwarf crays that do not eat my plants/mosses. They will eat the occasional small ramshorn snail. Currently they are non-sexed and between 1/2" and 3/4." They only grow to about one and a half inches. Some people keep them with shrimp and fish, but I've quickly become fascinated by them, so I keep them in their own tank. They are often used as a clean up crew. Because they are a crayfish, even as small as they are, they are really not picky about params. ShrimpFever has these params listed: pH – 6.0-8.0 gH – 3-25 kH – 1-15 TDS – 100-500 Temperature – 16-26C or 60 – 80F Mine are in Ro remin with SS gh+ to 300TDS. Easy peasy. A reminder to use hiding spots for molting. That's when they are the most vulnerable. A minimum sized tank suggestion would be a 5g with multiple hiding spots for 3. Larger tanks allow more room to be out in the open and observe their behavior. FREE HEAT PACK if needed FREE insulated Priority Shipping (continental US) Breather bag for EACH cray to keep them safe during travel 3 Mexican Orange Crays ----------------------------------> Just $35
  17. Can you get a closer look? Are the white things inside moving?
  18. Don't know about Melafix. It killed my crays I used it with...
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