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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. No breeding as of yet. I put in a couple more males, but still no breeding.
  2. Not on desktop it doesn't, Triton. On mobile phone for some reason the links act funny though.
  3. Newts do eat shrimp, however the params may nor be conducive either.
  4. Thanks. I get there.....eventually. LOL
  5. How much is shipping for the person whom wins the roak? Doa policy?
  6. I love new types of shrimp! 1. cindygao0217 2. Poopians 3. littlebirdie 4. rodan76 5. Slycat929 6. Crazyfishlady 7. monty703 8. RyeGuy411 9. Soothing Shrimp
  7. yepper. Wider params tend to let the strongest survive. The babies will then carry on that trait of survival and so on. The reverse also works. A sterile environment allows the weakest to survive a longer time to procreate.
  8. Great to have you both as friends.
  9. Just joined facebook this week, and figured I'd post my url: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008894762675 Anybody here is free to be friends with me.
  10. LOL You look like the grim reaper, dude.
  11. Yepper. I bid 20, and it took it only to 19- which means the person before me had a proxy bid since it was less than that stated. Me likey!
  12. Well...I know my RO comes from my RO unit. heh All of our water tests as hobbyists still don't account for everything in the water. That's why some people have magic water and some don't.
  13. I could so see large aquariums for walls.
  14. Oh, I see. You are talking about a large mix. I was talking ro storage.
  15. Aged water will release co2 as well without the stirring, no?
  16. Mine never had a problem. After a while I found a cheap book shelf with tupperware to slide in and out works very well. Heat tape can be run inside the shelves to provide for multiple tupperware "drawers" to be kept warm.
  17. LOL Not as young as I never was, but I do love doing them.
  18. Will is holding some for me to try to breed out, however I'll be going with the more conventional blue unless a mutation happens! LOL
  19. I'm with you. Roughly 100 TDS for 6gh. Not all the powder dissolves at once, so even after what I see dissolves, I let it site some and then mix some more. For myself I wait between 1/2 hr and 1 hr. I try to keep my TDS swing within 100 for neos and 40 for my cards. I'm a bit more harsh on them than average people I think, however I really try to develop hardy strains.
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