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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I've read some people use airstones and some people use pumps. Would you please explain why that is needed?
  2. Jury is still out on twinstar. Cool gadget if you have the dough, however if not then better to wait some. From what I understand, it send a small electrical charge to break the H bonds to create O2, and H2O2
  3. Aquarium cafe would be awesome. Coincidentally , I was just talking to my wife about something similar and how that would be a great idea for someone to do.
  4. Looks like a wild colored neo to me. They can have white on them when younger. IMO this is why so much assumption on cross breedings.
  5. Nope. heh cards and neos don't cross breed.
  6. I have to agree with Miwu on this one. Saddle has nothing to do (due? heh) with eggs hatching.
  7. Expert? No, but I did my research and kept a few.
  8. I don't think neo x card is even possible. But having said that, I don't think there is proof either way. Are you sure no hitchhiker? Looks like a wild neo. Can you get a side shot of it on the substrate? Body type and position of eyes will tell alot.
  9. They look kinda like pill bugs: (pic from google)
  10. None around here like that, Shrimpfan. I think it may be a local thang.
  11. When doing a water change, you'll see a blurriness when looking through the glass. Like looking through clear thin gelatin.
  12. Water fleas and copapods are fine. Scuds have an appetite for protein and can eat younger shrimp.
  13. So you put this stuff in and the hair algae died off? Am I getting this right? Moss is still okay?
  14. I'll taunt ya for free. Taunt Taunt Taunt! LOL
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