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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Here's some articles from people whom have done it: http://www.aquariumslife.com/freshwater-shrimp/breeding-caridina-japonica/ https://gabhar.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/breeding-amano/ http://www.shrimpnow.com/content.php/129-Amano-Yamato-Shrimp-Breeding Translated French: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmaitrebull.free.fr%2Faqua%2Fcaridinajaponica.htm&edit-text=&act=url http://caridina.japonica.online.fr/English/index.html
  2. Does no good to use used water. The beneficial bacteria lives on surfaces. To jump start move objects over, seeded filters, etc. Start with new water to avoid nasties.
  3. Lots of ways of culling. You can sell off culls, start a new tank of just culls, or continue with the circle of life and feed them off.
  4. Molting has more to do with gh than TDS. Also many shrimpers stay away from frequent water changes because the params will swing even in small amounts.
  5. Of course when people re paying $1000 per shrimp, one can afford to feed culls to fish and save only the top 10%. heh Boston, I meant earlier that lots of top breeders will not let you sell their shrimp as X's Shrimp, because they cannot control another person's breeding factors.
  6. Here's wishing the best for you!
  7. What? No whammy bar? LOL YAY!!! Great job, dude!
  8. Don't know how I missed this post before. Yepper. That's a "wild" neo. The wild genetics are dominant, so unless you want the colony offspring to slowly turn that color, best to cull.
  9. Lots of breeders of high quality CRS, has that stipulation.
  10. Lack of kh hasn't been a problem for mine for years.
  11. I've read that blue x white = baby blue That's the only info I have.
  12. What type are they? Alleni? You haven't been able to find a gene color crossing chart for them, have you? I've been looking for a very long time and haven't run across one yet.
  13. Jaden, I'm very annoying to a seller when buying moss I guess. I almost always ask if the golf ball size is the size of the compressed moss out of the water.
  14. Go to the vid you want us to see, copy the url and just paste it in the text box. Don't do any coding.
  15. Great to have a breeder of such a varied background here. Welcome!
  16. Yepper males. They all have the skinny mating "legs."
  17. Yes. Yellow and rilis are just a color var.of cherries.
  18. Not bad AL10, but what about the ones that get berried while you are holding them?
  19. My Sunshine project. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/111-soothing-shrimps-silly-shrimping/page-4#entry4193 Have been breeding for painted yellow for several years now.
  20. I wrote Han and sent him a piece of hose I use to change water. He custom made a SS filter for it, I slipped it on, and I've used it ever since with no issues.
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