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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Problem is the ph is too acidic and will eat holes in the shell as you mentioned. Building shell strength from foods is great, but if the acids eat holes in it, it is a losing battle. Calcium added to the water may help, but again- acidic water. Ideally snails need 8+ with high gh.
  2. Yepper. I did. I wasted hundreds of dollars buying yellow strain after yellow strain only to have them almost all die off on me. Too sensitive. Heck they would go belly up if I looked at them funny. I think out of hundreds bought I had something like 5 or less left. In desperation I decided to try to make my own hardy strain of yellows, so I crossed them with reds. The result was yellow off spring and red offspring. After several more generations I was able to have a pure yellow strain that was pretty hardy. This is where my Sunshines came from. Not too long ago (yr? 2 yrs?), I bought another strain of yellows for another tank for a good price. These were the type that hardly had any yellow. I mixed some sunshine culls with them from my astax project, and the resulting offspring generations later have been bright and beautiful and much more hardy. My point is, it is possible to mix yellows and red, and then breed them out again. It does indeed make a much hardier strain. Problem is other people who have tried it have wound up with wilds. I think the color genes are in different places, and you kind of luck out as to what strain you get when buying from someone. The only way you know is by gambling and trying. Working with shrimp colors can be very frustrating.
  3. As far as the red rili question- it makes sense for a couple different reasons. Sometimes blue rili is labeled as bv because they look very similar. However even if they are true bv, both blue rili and bv come from red rili. By crossing them with cherries, you basically just introduce the rili gene back into cherries again to make red rili. Yes, you can breed the bv or blue rili again from there.
  4. Differing opinions on that. Some say the crays will catch and kill shrimp, some say the shrimp are too fast.
  5. Sorry to hear that, bro. Hope you have some nice sales for yourself.
  6. I'm more generous on mine when selling them too, but I think that's because- like you- I've felt ripped off in the past. The common answer I got was- they are as big as golf balls in the water.
  7. Also I'll add that SS gh+ is fine for neos. I tried SS gh/kh and went back to gh+. Heck, I can use it for both my neos and crystals.
  8. If that is black on the back tail (can't really tell from the angle), then it would be the phenotype of splotched carbon.
  9. Schools have been called off today due to the chill being -30F, so in honor of that why not show a funny musical scene from "Neptune's Daughter" with Red Skelton, Ricardo Montalbán, Esther Williams and Betty Garrett singing- It's Cold Outside
  10. SOShrimp is a regular, so shouldn't be any problems. I'm a paranoid dude, so having heard about "customers" pulling guns on people in their homes, and intimidation at meeting places- I only do online sales. My family is worth too much for me. I suppose I could sell to a million customers the other way, but all it takes is 1 to cause me serious injury.
  11. Sounds like someone has renamed a shrimp color. Sellers are famous for this to make them sell better. People (like me) who work hard to create a strain get frustrated with this because the reason why strains have different names in the first place is to know they come from two separate sources of possible genetics. In the reptile world, I haven't seen people rename colors much. It seems all too common, unfortunately, in the shrimp world. Anyway, off my soap box. If you can get a pic, we can probably tell you what phenotype it looks like. I imagine it's a neo.
  12. Hardware store. heh Look for a Parts Organizer. Homedepot has one for ~$2 I like the more vertical things if you look under small parts storage. This is around $13: Of course, if you have money to burn, this clear 60 drawer is under $30:
  13. You local hardware store should have a 5 gallon pail for around $3. Yeah, they come in green too.: Then use either an easy off lid ~$6 (pack of 3) Or an easy screw off top ~$7 I use them quite extensively here, from everything like water changes, and mixing remin, to flipping them upside down and using as a step stool in my shrimp room, or improv seat. For reference, I'm currently 200lbs.
  14. All good points. You have a sponge filter. Do you clean it often? You may be washing away the beneficial bacteria as well. Check the Nits and let us know if that is okay. If not, let us continue to help troubleshoot with you. After all, we want your shrimping is a good experience. --- On a wacky note, when I used tap with my shrimp- all params seems to be pretty good, however I still had dying off for unknown reasons. The week I started using RO, the dying off stopped. All the tests we do still don't tell everything that is in the water, and sometimes it is the unknowns that cause problems.
  15. Personally, That's what I'd do. It's not so potent that if you are little off it will OD your shrimp.
  16. Ugh! Snow snow and more snow.... IN honor of this, everybody sing! You ready? A 1 and a 2 and a...
  17. Mulberry leaves I just have put in dried or fresh. They'll jump on either within minutes.
  18. And in 1967 Disney did a parody of this: Oriental Bakery Man
  19. Just for fun, see how the original compares to modern day. The Andrews Sisters - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy From Company B Modern: Katy Perry, Keri Hilson & Jennifer Nettles - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
  20. The Chordettes- Mr. Sandman Each "bummmm" sung by a different gal. Can't tell you how many times my friends and I tried that and messed up! LOL
  21. The Fleetwoods- Come Softly (to me)
  22. Just copy the URL and paste it in the post. Don't rely on the youtube shortcut.
  23. Mine like omnia pro (w/o astax), mulberry leaves are almost always a hit with any shrimp, snowflake.
  24. This is for you AL10: Toby Turner's I Can Swing My Sword
  25. Mamas and the Papas- California Dreamin'
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