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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I use the economy plastic hoods for my cheapie tenners. Tried Lexan, but it warped horribly overnight.
  2. chib, I have a used 20L reptile tank that I resiliconed on the inside corners, and it has held water fine.
  3. Bravo! Bravisimo! I tend to test right before and after a water change- or unless something appears weird- such as shrimplets not surviving as was the case recently. Too high of a gh and the shrimplets will not molt well and seem to disappear one by one. Hard to say how often I wc though. I usually only do it when TDS gets above a certain point I feel I do not want. So I'll occasionally check TDS randomly throughout the week. Against tan pool sand would be a dark colored neo, if we're talking neos. Blues, carbons, and one of my all time favorites- chocolates, would probably be best. Even BD culls should give you a nice variety of colors in the tanks without having to worry too much about all turning wild. And as always, I'll be glad to help figure out some water guidance for breeding for ya. Just pm me, my friend.
  4. Worth a shot. How is blackwater going to help your plants?
  5. Thanks folks. With several hundred people auditioning, I'll need it!
  6. LOL Shrimp whisperer, eh? Thanks on the Nessies. Many many years of hard work in those. Honestly, I find most cherries do fine regardless of colors if the strain has been around awhile. Even BD are now pretty hardy. I've heard challenging things about strains of orange rili and yellows still. Some do well, and some not so well. New strains seem to be the most sensitive. (I'm hoping to hear more about the purple strain available now.) Over time, the hardiest survive and repopulate. So any time a brand new strain is available, I know if I get them: #1 they are expensive because they are new and the breeder wants to make some money back that he has spent for developing the strain, and #2 they'll be overly sensitive- especially if imported. It's always a gamble playing that game. I love to improve the strains I get, so it's worth it to me, but most people like to buy when they are already hardy. The results I have so far suggest to me that with my geographic location, TDS of 300 and gh of 6-9 is the way to go. But I am always trying to find that sweet spot, so constantly experimenting.
  7. The name of the soap opera is called "New Souls." ...and I got the audition! So Jan 31st, I go audition. They're sending me the sides so I know the character to audition with. It's for a small cable provider in Chicago, so pay is next to nothing, but the perks are worth it to me IF I get cast. Experience in front of a camera Experience working in a TV show My own IMDB page Social Neworking Visual Exposure and chance of being picked up by other cable stations/providers. The company is a beginning producing company and as it grows, they'll remember who has been working with them. In short, although transportation and expenses would run me into the red, I'd be paying my dues for one step closer to my dream of being a professional actor. I always have to laugh at what the media terms "overnight successes." The entertainer may have signed a contract overnight, but there are years and years of paying dues behind him/her!
  8. I guess when you are in the arts, you learn how to use many skills you picked up along the way. LOL
  9. Crushed flake and hatching brine shrimp worked for me, but I had fry in their own tank.
  10. heh Pitching is very beyond my expertise and requires a whole different resume.
  11. Guess I'll use this as a journal of sorts. It doesn't fit in with the shrimp stuff, so I guess I'll post it here- unless someone has a better idea. heh Just finished a short run of "Sweet Obsession" in October, and recently finished a short run of "It's A Wonderful; Life" as Uncle Billy. I'm hoping 2015 has a couple good acting breaks for me this year. heh I may have an audition for a cable soap opera this month, so keep the fingers crossed folks.
  12. Don't be surprised if she eats them. They are little sacks of protein.
  13. They'd be smothered with hair algae with me, so I'll pass- but good luck everyone! Great raok!
  14. Either have a nice large colony in your tank to enjoy- which is what many do, or sell some off to recover some expenses. However the shipping thang can become a nightmare at times, so some people prefer to just keep a nice large colony. heh For example, one sample package I sent to someone never showed up this December. It happens.
  15. Here's Littlebirdie's info from that site: "Make-Your-Own" Solution:Here's a link to information and a source where you can purchase the proper ("food") grade of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide -- which you must "dilute" with pure distilled water to achieve the desired concentration as follows: 1 part 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to 6 parts distilled water yields the recommended 6% solution. For example: 1/4 cup of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide plus 1 1/2 cups of distilled water = 1 3/4 cups of 6% Hydrogen Peroxide. A 1-to-2 ratio of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to distilled water would yield an 18% Hydrogen Peroxide solution. A 1-to-3 ratio of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide to distilled water would yield a 12% Hydrogen Peroxide solution. Thus you can adjust the % Hydrogen Peroxide as desired to accommodate the rate at which oxygen is dispensed into the aquarium. As of 8/22/09, you can purchase 1 quart of food grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide for $21.83 plus $9.33 shipping. They also sell pints and gallons, but don't forget -- you're diluting that 35% Hydrogen Peroxide by a factor of 6-to-1, so 1 quart of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide yields 1 3/4 gallons of 6% Hydrogen Peroxide.
  16. Seen vids of them climbing HOB waterfalls, and read the occasional post of them leaping to their death when a fish comes after them, or walking over separators, but not many other threads or posts about them walking out otherwise.
  17. Crinum Calamistratum is weird looking.
  18. I would if it wasn't such a maze in here! Ugh Dead end... again....
  19. LOL Something tells me New Years drink carried over for Taylor.
  20. chib, I was planning on lowering the ph in a set aside tank for the moss by vinegar too.
  21. Awesome! Congrats on the little shrimp!
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