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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Conditioner is usually used to remove chloromines and chlorine added into tap..
  2. LOL I think I'm going to. I found out that the moss I am growing at 6.3 or so has no hair algae, while the moss right next tank over at 7+ has massive amounts. I started to get black beard, but when I dropped the ph a bit under 6.3 it too went away. I'm getting tired of throwing away moss due to hair algae infestation, and am thinking if i can put the moss in a ph of 5 or under, perhaps it will kill the hair algae and leave the moss still healthy. Then just reuse it again.
  3. What is the lowest ph moss can be kept at? 4ph?
  4. Shrimpie, I've learned mental age and physical age are two separate things.
  5. I'd listen to Steve on the math, as I've always been bad at that. I know from experience water resets work, but I am a little concerned about stressing your royals since they are so new.
  6. A lot of names and acronyms you'll pick up along the way.
  7. I live around folks over 50+, so stuff is usually pretty quiet. The only downside is that I have some pretty nosy neighbors.
  8. A male least killi to be exact. Smallest fish in NA. Beautiful fish. I just lost an entire colony of them when I added new fish I bought from AB without quarantining them first. Ick.
  9. Problems with pesticides are that they are meant to kill insects, and shrimp are not too far off from being underwater "bugs." If you've done more than (4) 25% changes, you've basically changes almost all your water out already.
  10. We love having people from all over the world. It gives us interesting insights to shrimping we had not known before. Welcome to our little family.
  11. So did someone else in Hawaii: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/30/coconut-crab-hawaii_n_6392972.html?cps=gravity_2377_6611243743049024060
  12. Looks good. It's not unusual for first timers to drop eggs. Hopefully, she'll do fine though.
  13. Yippee!!! Hopefully this is a good omen for the new year! Thank you!
  14. This is the proper link: http://www.aqua-system.net/jp/shrimp_beegrows.shtml
  15. They look great under your care, James.
  16. The good thang is that it only takes ~.1g per tenner. So if you have a tenner, just divide the packet in half. Spread it on some glass and cut it in 1/2 with a business/credit card. Let your mom know what you are doing though, it looks like cocaine. LOL Divide that half in half and you have a 5g tank's worth. Divide that portion in half and you have a 2.5g worth, etc. heh
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