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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/2078-fenbendazole-dosing
  2. This is the best stuff I have found for aquatics. Seems to be the best active in water.
  3. Someone else may have to answer that one. I have never kept both together.
  4. Happy New Year! Resolution: Get more shrimp.....
  5. I'm a member there and can't post, even though it told me I was signed in. Kevin is working on it now.
  6. Years ago, when I was first learning about planaria I was told that some people had problems with them and some didn't. I chose to listen to the people that didn't- out of my laziness to do anything with my one tank that was infected, I guess. That quickly changed when they attacked one of my prized project shrimp and devoured her alive. It was then that I learned about and used fenben. Within 3 days all were gone.
  7. Some people have the occasional brown coloring in the red/black area, but not often. Red is a mutation of the black, so by keeping them together you will just get more reds and blacks.
  8. Planaria come in different colors. If no triangle, no problem. heh Once you see one, you'll know.
  9. Does this work well with your crystals? My Neos are very messy eaters. LOL It would never work for them, but perhaps crs are not as aggressive?
  10. Use your best judgement by vision then, my friend.
  11. Alita 40 for 12 sponges? Heck yeah! In fact an Alita 40 seems like big time overkill to me. Look at the Alita AL-15A. It would save you at least $40, and give you enough air power to do several more sponges if desired. Now if you are adding another rack later, then you may still want to look at the Alita 40 still. I have an Alita 60 running 4 racks with air to spare. Several factors are still are involved though. How much air going through the sponges, vertical location of sponges and tanks, and hose lengths. For example, it's tougher to pump air down than up. That's why I have my pump on the floor. Yadda Yadda. The Alita 40 has 48 lpm @ 2.18 psi, while the Alita 15A has 20 lpm @ 1.4 psi. For comparison, my Alita 60 has 68 lpm @ 2.18 psi, but as you can tell the only difference between the 40 and 60 is the lpm.
  12. No triangle head= no planeria Hard to make out what's on the back wall. Have a better shot?
  13. I like either. Even better if they are opaque.
  14. I thought about this a while back. I think it is quite possible to have these in a freshwater tank and not have to worry about hair algae or green water because of light strength/duration.
  15. Just some neat aquarium photos I found.
  16. Good link, Poopians. That should give some good info for ya Hieprock.
  17. Ever get tired of them? Hey, we started as newbies at one time too! LOL We all have to help each other.
  18. Topping off with tap should indeed increase TDS. If your TDS is holding steady even with tap top offs, I'm amazed.
  19. TDS goes up with food feedings mostly. Especially powdered food will do it.
  20. Yeah. They'll only get more orange as they get older.
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