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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Unless you are concerned about a single shrimp crossing with another single shrimp, you don't need a breeding box..
  2. Temperature is often advised on the cooler side for cards as well.
  3. Yepper. If not familiar with what to look for in params in shrimp, cards can die pretty quick leaving nothing but a hole in your pocket book. Hell, I know what to look for and I've still lost cards!
  4. What do you keep your TT params at? Do you have trouble with them breeding? Trouble keeping babies alive?
  5. Hi Sheldon. The thing to understand is that many color of neos are selectively bred. That means if one selectively bred color crosses with another selectively bred color you will get brown streaky shrimp usually.
  6. I'd be very interested in following your progress. :-)
  7. Just be aware that duckweed is like the STD of aquariums. Once introduced, it is very hard to get rid of. LOL
  8. Do what you need to do, Wygglz. We'll be here when you come back. Health always comes first!
  9. Everyone has different experiences. Here's mine: I found mine breed best in 7+ph. Under 7 and they would live, but not breed as much. Around mid 6's and mine started dying off. I'm a novice at cards, so I'll let someone else answer that.
  10. The more good wishes the better. Do well, Gillz! We're sending good vibes!!!
  11. @Lyana It's actually inside the shell on the gills. Sometimes if you look closely the gills appear brown striped on those that have it. Often the molts will have it inside the shell as well.
  12. Sure was Nubster. I miss that guy...
  13. Welcome cheeks! :-) Keeping shrimp is awesome, and neos are a great species to work with. Keep in mind shrimp are also food for fish, so it all depends what your goal is.
  14. Lowered water to about an inch and poured in a 2 liter of seltzer water. Even though I had moss, it wouldn't harm my plant in this way. Yes, I have to remove my moss anyway to sterilize, but I could be sure I wouldn't transfer any affected baby shrimp.
  15. Lots of opinions on this. :-) I wait a week after berrying. When transferring to new params, I very slowly drip shrimp- just to be extra cautious.
  16. Basically, I have to look at myself in the mirror and know I'm doing everything possible to do what I consider to be the right thing.
  17. Mr. F.- Peace of mind, mostly. Even if it appeared they were "cured," I wouldn't want anyone to receive one down the line that may have symptoms and pass them onto their colony. Everyone works hard to make sure their shrimp are healthy and happy. The last thing I would want is to cause illnesses in someone's tank accidentally.
  18. Thanks Svelta. I'd feel absolutely terrible if in the future I accidentally sold brown gill to someone. This is the only way I know to make sure I only sell healthy shrimp. I just have to be able to live with myself. So no chance of selling brown gill now. Shrimple minded- I uses the same sanitation as the CDC recommends for infectious diseases. 10% bleach solution. 1 cup bleach to 9 cups water. Dry well, rinse with freshwater, then dry again. Let sit for a day or two, then use as a new tank. Any cholla, I throw out as I don't want that or other porous items to soak up and retain the bleach. I also go so far as to use new substrate. And although most of us don't use these: Avoid using bleach on silk plants and brightly colored gravel or decorations, as it will fade them.
  19. Just culled a huge tank of RR. Some had brown gill disease. No way do I want to even risk selling any that may even remotely be infected to hobbyists down the line- even after meds. So made the painful decision of nuking a tank of 300+ shrimp. I just couldn't live with myself knowing I would have passed anything on to anyone else unintentionally . *painful sigh* Lost a large amount of money, but my respect for myself remains intact. I have to look myself in the mirror and know I'm always attempting to do the right thing, ya know?
  20. Decided to be safe and culled the entire tank. Next I have to sanitize it and start over. Thanks for your help anyway @Mr. F
  21. Also, you can fix yours for emergency or as a back up by using superglue. I have a couple cruddy ones I use for removing plant floaters.
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