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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I know almost nothing about lights, however I wish for you the best. I read the reviews on that light, and it seems other people had the same problem you did.
  2. I have for sale some Mexican Dwarf Orange Crayfish offspring- most are roughly ~1/2" long. Asking $8 ea, but will trade for crs/cbs/TB. Pic of Mom hiding: Shipping is $10 insulated priority mail, and heat pack is $2 if needed. Continental US only. Feel free to pm me.
  3. I can imagine. LOL Well TDS and gh starts coming down today.
  4. The staw hide looks good! Love the baby bottle idea, and the tank looks great.
  5. Guess it's proof they'll adapt to just about anythang, eh?
  6. Then you risk it popping up and breaking the glass and light, Trang.
  7. So does this mean that testing for ammonia is not necessary with shrimp when ph is under 7 since it doesn't hurt shrimp according to the above paragraph??
  8. Just for info: "PH is the determining factor on what type is present. If your pH is acidic (below 7.0), it is chemically impossible for ammonia (harmful gas) to exist. Yet a total ammonia test kit will register a reading because it detects both the free ammonia (harmful gas) and ammonium (harmless ionized form of ammonia). The more basic your pH becomes, the greater the chance of ammonia existing. Example: If you have 1.0 ppm of total ammonia and your pH is below 7.0, then 1.0 ppm will exist as ammonium. Ex. If you have 1.0 ppm of total ammonia and your pH is 7.6 (slightly basic), then of that 1.0 ppm total ammonia......only .2 or so would exist as a gas and the other .8 would exist as ammonium."
  9. We all have to help each other, my friend.
  10. OKay, so you know how I've said that my Malawa- once to their destination- are about the most hardy shrimp I have found? Well, they do so well, I kinda have a hands off policy with that tank doing wc, etc. Since they eat just about anything, they get flake, any fish that happen to die, cray molts/any crays that die, etc. I have so many, if I don't feed protein, they go after each other so they are the ideal clean up crew for the circle of life. Today, just out of curiosity I checked my Malawa tank's TDS and GH... Ready for this? TDS 723 GH 34 Those readings made me drop my jaw!!! LMAO!!! No wonder they are so hardy!!! And what's more, they still breed like mad and have no problems with survival! Perhaps it's time for me to work my way back to an ideal param in that tank. No? LOL
  11. Here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1719-artificial-hatching Better than me relating everything again.
  12. I use the view new content more than any other button. Once you click on that, to the left you will see what to sort the threads by. You can choose posts you've not read, posts since last visit, posts in the last 24 hours, etc.
  13. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Often what happens is that when the population reaches max density, they stop breeding as a form of population control.
  14. "I didn't realized that they could only be fertilized with they initially show their saddles." I'm thinking you may have the wrong idea? The fems can only be bred directly after they have molted. After the shell hardens, it's like a chastity belt.
  15. Oh, is that what you mean? I thought you were talking about the pane on the right from the main page. If you are talking about the pane, click on bar on the upper right side and the side pane will open again.
  16. Well, you probably clicked on the X for that application in the corner. This is a new one on me. Give me some time, and if it is not answered- I'll try to give an answer to you after I make my kids breakfast.
  17. You only get to name the color you created. My suggestion is to pick a totally new name so it doesn't get confused with something already out there.
  18. :lolu: :lolu: A regular cherry should go for $20 then!
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