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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. We prefer to think of it as Grinch Puke. LOL
  2. I roughly have to add a pinch once every week-2 weeks. I have a special microspoon I use to do it so I know it's the same every time. 1 microspoon measurement raises ph around .15 or so.
  3. Yeah, it will float some and then drift down. No worries.
  4. IMO It's easier to adapt shrimp to lower ph than higher. So that makes perfect sense to me, Randy.
  5. Thanks Randy. I appreciate your advice. As far as I know, no one has tried this approach, and the only way to know if I'll be successful is to try it. I like to experiment, so I'll use some tanks set up just for this.
  6. There you are. I'd wondered where you disappeared to.
  7. She will grow back missing parts with the next molt.
  8. Lots of blue neos look best as young juvies. As they grow, they tend to become lighter colored.
  9. Don't know how it is with TB, as I've not had enough experience with them yet. I know my malawa will turn predatory if not enough food- or in some cases enough protein.
  10. How much do these cost and do you have a link? I can't find them on their site.
  11. Found someone who used a cylinder vase to raise the sexies to settling. Hell of a lot cheaper than a kreisel. http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/general-invert-forum/128518-successfully-raised-sexy-shrimp-fry-pic-included.html#post1466853
  12. So here's the results of 300 TDS I've been having- lots of breeding, little baby survival. I have a feeling the survival rate is due to the high gh I did. I made a decision to drop the gh in the tanks at the cost of TDS. Aiming for a gh between 6-9.
  13. BTW, looks like you did a great length less than 3' for the next brace. On my 6' build years ago, I failed to put a middle brace on my wood shelving. I used the 2x4 sideways (not flat), and now have a crook in the center.
  14. Found it. Had to zoom in on your last pic to see the screw hole.
  15. This is the type I use to tell temp: http://www.petsmart.com/supplies/thermometers/grreat-choice-floating-thermometer-zid36-5203381/cat-36-catid-300077 Around $3 or so.
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