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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Wow! Think about the little tiny bus ticket she had to purchase to get there!
  2. I know I don't have any in my crystal tank. Ph is usually 6.3ish and under. Ammonia (ammonium?) isn't achieved as quickly in a low ph environment, so that may have something to do with it? Also, about the only thing they'll eat is snowflake, so not very much other food left over to infiltrate the substrate and cause rotting, which may also contribute to it.. I do see tiny black beard tufts under some moss, but not very big and the lower the ph is, the quicker it shrinks.
  3. I wish I knew. For me it has to be the light timing. I throw tons of moss away every quarter. It adds up.
  4. I'm guessing the red and black is really extreme dragon markings. (?)
  5. Thanks guys. Yeah, I decided to try them after all. Glad I did. I'm sure I'll make a ton of mistakes, but at least now I have some.
  6. I doubt they would have any difference in health, however this cross is already being done overseas. There's two theories why though: 1) It improves quality of offspring. 2) TB prices have tumbled over the past couple years. By breeding TB with JPL or PRL, the prices are up again so the breeder can make a bit more money.
  7. That's rough, dude. At least the others are still going while you figure out your challenge.
  8. This is only what works for me right now. In the future, who knows? LOL
  9. TDS 123 and GH 2 and I try to keep ph around 6.3ish via baking soda. Haven't tested kh at this point, but assume around 0 since ph fluxes. Conventional thought is I should probably raise gh up to at least 4, but I've had no problems as of yet, and crystals are breeding like crazy now.
  10. That red and black one is fascinating to me!
  11. Kudos to you for keeping the classic light sky BV var. going. I'm afraid it will be gone by way of fad soon due to the current press toward dark blues. Seen too many vars be lost due to fads.
  12. The babies, I imagine, will look like crs. But the f2's.....(?)
  13. ...and then not so good if you want to take them off at some point.
  14. Can't answer your question due to not having numbers, however use this and see for yourself: http://www.theaquatools.com/building-your-aquarium
  15. LOL I don't have the time, but would love to send some shrimp in when shrimpspot finally has a contest.
  16. And it's good to have you back!
  17. Thanks. And thanks to Mayphly for getting me started on the road to TBs.
  18. Well, it looks as if the BB I got from Mayphly is now berried. heh I had her in my selectively-breeding-for-all-red crs tank while waiting for money to set up another tank. She was probably hit up by my male red crs, so f2 should be interesting.
  19. This kind of glue actually cures with humidity/water.
  20. I *am* a little disappointed that they don't have neos shown though.
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