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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Very nice shrimp. Thanks for sharing the link!
  2. Yay! I love it when more than one person can benefit from something. I totally LOVE win-win situations!
  3. Nice looking pintos. Sorry one passed, but you should have berries to make up for it- I hope.
  4. Hope they make it okay my friend. Remember to rinse it because of some soil still clinging.
  5. I'm going to test the Fast Track horse probiotic and Bragg Liquid Aminos. The combo sounds pretty awesome. Chib- I'm up to splitting the cost with ya on the probiotics. I'll pm ya.
  6. All new shrimp have to wait until after the new year for me. Christmas comes up, and then my twins have their birthdays 5 days later. I'll have to recoup some.
  7. No. Have very little room right now, and anything I selectively breed have to have some resale value so I can put money back into this hobby. Macros don't sell very well for me.
  8. When I raoked duckweed it didn't make it either. Floaters are just hard to send in general.
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Multi-Nitrification-Probiotics-Powder-For-Aquarium-50g-Zip-Bag-w-Spoon-Ak308-/371215868344?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item566e30a1b8
  10. Can anyone read the company name? for $6 for 50g I may give this a try. I still don't know ingredients though. I'm hoping the company website may list them.
  11. A pinch is probably all you would need, and all I feed regularly anyway. At 5 lbs it breaks down to $1.27 per 76g, as opposed to $30 plus shipping for the same amount. There may be a better one out there yet though.
  12. So this may be another case of repackaging. I stumbled on horse probiotics and it looks as if it has many of these things in it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fastrack-Probiotic-Pack-Equine-Horse-Supplement-5-lbs-/201027678792?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ece2ef248 There may be a better one yet, but this is 5 lbs for $38 with free shipping.
  13. I wonder if it would be similar to the skunk pinto shrimp?
  14. Looking at amino acids right now. Found some interesting info: "Some of the amino acids molecules, the polar ones - e.g. Glutamine, Glutamic Acid, Lysine, Arginine Serine etc. - are actually water soluble, observed by themselves. Other, the non-polar ones, are not water soluble, e.g. Leucine, Phenylalanine, Methionine etc. There are also some, which are non-polar, thus, essentially hydrophobic, but still less strictly segregated from water, usually due to their smaller size (e.g. Alanine, Glycine etc.)." Charged: • Arginine - Arg - R • Lysine - Lys - K • Aspartic acid - Asp - D • Glutamic acid - Glu - E Polar (may participate in hydrogen bonds): • Glutamine - Gln - Q • Asparagine - Asn - N • Histidine - His - H • Serine - Ser - S • Threonine - Thr - T • Tyrosine - Tyr - Y • Cysteine - Cys - C • Methionine - Met - M • Tryptophan - Trp - W Hydrophobic (normally buried inside the protein core): • Alanine - Ala - A • Isoleucine - Ile - I • Leucine - Leu - L • Phenylalanine - Phe - F • Valine - Val - V • Proline - Pro - P • Glycine - Gly - G So essentially I want to stay away from BCAA powder. (BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS) Green okay, stay away from red.
  15. LOL I know better than to get uncommon mosses until I get my hair algae under control.
  16. http://www.gemcultures.com/soy_cultures.htm based in Lakewood, WA Natto Starter Kit: This kit contains the culture, directions and recipes. Each Kit contains enough starter to make a total of 4.5 pounds of Natto or 3 batches of 1.5 pounds each. One teaspoon of Natto starter, plus one pound of soybeans will make 1.5 pounds of fresh Natto. Commercial Natto Starter: A concentrated spore preparation, this vial has sufficient spore to start 48 pounds of dry soybeans making about 86 pounds of natto. Natto Starter Kit: 11gm makes 4.5 pounds $4.00 (Limit 20 per order) Commercial Natto Starter: 3gm(Pure Spore) makes 86 pounds $14.00 (Limit 2 per order)
  17. Not planning on using the soy beans for it. Just need the bacteria. Found out it's also called Natto-Kin.
  18. I'm almost always in the red, dude. LOL But back to the thread... -- So I'm having a tough time finding bacillis subtilis powder on the cheap, but I did find that Japanese Natto (fermented soy beans) uses bacillis subtilis natto for the process. After some more research, I found this: $35 for 15g I have to find someplace that has this for less.
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