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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Different strokes for different folks, AL10. If one has the money to play with... --- Roborep, honestly not looking to sell, simply trying to make things in shrimping more affordable to myself and others. Nothing beats the original, however when there are many tanks, sometimes we have to be creative to make ends meet.
  2. If it is a powder and not a paste, it sounds promising. 1g for $10. I think we can take your idea and run with it. --- So following your lead, I found this for less : Yogo Non-Dairy Yogurt Starter About $5.50 or so for 20g [4 (5g) packets] Basically the same ingredients from what you found. So that would cover 3 Lactobacillus strains.
  3. Not really a fish person, so I can't answer that one. I do know that high quality bettas and goldfish are entered into some very serious shows. Koi also, of course.
  4. Didn't trust my gh test, so got a new one. Hope to test some tanks this weekend and reduce gh if needed. Getting ready to set up a Blue leg poso tank. Trying to figure out a workable recipe for a biofilm/probiotic. Need to sell off all my fish to make space for more shrimp. Weather's right, but now I can't do it because of the holiday coming up. Got marble crays I have to move out, too. This week I've been throwing tons of moss away because of being infested with hair algae...gotta get those timers...
  5. HUGE! The govt actually promotes shrimping as a type of farming and to build the economy.
  6. I found this, which is intriguing- but it doesn't list ingredients that I can see. Would be very cheap to use as a probiotic base though.
  7. You mean to act as a trigger for breeding? I've not looked into that.
  8. I like biofilm/probiotic powders, but it's turning into much money with so many tanks. Fish people make and share recipes all the time to save money, and it seems to me like we have so many well educated shrimpers here that we should be able to come up with our own recipe for a biofilm/probiotic. In fact, I'd love to have a recipe section for all kinds of innovative powders/foods for our shrimp- but baby steps first. So, to all our members, what would be some ingredients to put into a biofilm/probiotic powder mix? For starters, here's the ingredients from two popular products: --- product #1: Amino acids, polysaccarides, xylanase, glucanase, amylase, protease, hemicellulase, Bacillus subtilis, Pediococcus acidilactici (Lactobacillus) product #2: lactic acid bacteria, yeast, Bacillus subtilis, grass bacillus, chitin, vitamins, minerals, and amino acid. --- I see these two have in common: Amino acids Lactobacillus Bacillus subtilis Thoughts?
  9. You are on the same wavelength as I. Today I was searching ebay for various powders that could be used. Lactobacillus and various forms of Bacillus and amino acids were found for example. With so many tanks, I'm just going through the AE so fast, I'm afraid I'm going to have to come up with a homemade version to keep cost low. I think I'll start a thread for us members to combine our heads to come up with our own cheap recipe.
  10. Great for fish...not so much for shrimp. heh It's actually cheaper to buy two tenners than dividing a 20g. *shrugs* shrimp are climbers.
  11. I'm just planning on a cheap tenner. Have they bred for you?
  12. Thanks. I'm thinking about doing the same substrate. Do you keep yours in a tenner?
  13. I love my UPAQUA Aqua Sand because it never seems to give out. (Hope I didn't jinx myself) I used it a couple years ago, broke down the tank and baked it in the oven to dry it and then stored it in a 2 liter. Pulled it back out again earlier this year and set up another tank with it. Still works great. It buffers my water low though to the 5's. I use baking soda to bring it back up to the 6's. I use Ro with Fluval liquid remin.
  14. What ph does yours keep at, and how long did it take to stabilize around there?
  15. For sulawesi has anyone tried cichlid substrate to raise their ph, and just use regular gh+?
  16. The ingredients are very similar: AE: Amino acids, polysaccarides, xylanase, glucanase, amylase, protease, hemicellulase, Bacillus subtilis, Pediococcus acidilactici (Lactobacillus) Golden: lactic acid bacteria, yeast, Bacillus subtilis, grass bacillus, chitin, vitamins, minerals, and amino acid.
  17. "...it won't make your red shrimps black or vice versa." heh I didn't think it would necessarily make them black or red, as much as cause unwanted brown tones. Awesome to know I can use both interchangeably with no unwanted side effects though. Thanks!
  18. I'm thinking that the red may have minerals to work on red pigment more, and black to work on black more? However this is just an uneducated guess. Going along with what you are saying boston, I still think genetics are the biggest key role in color.
  19. There's all kins of stuff we don't test for as hobbyists in our water.
  20. After reading discussion here on how minerals in foods/water increases health and in turn increases color, my mind may be changing about using color enhancing foods for shrimp (other than neos. Seen too many neos messed up with color enhancers.) So, since I have the members here to thank for opening my mind a bit, I also have a question to ask. Several people have been very happy with MK black diamond, and MK red diamond. Each is supposed to increase the color of black and red respectively. Is there a problem if the black crystals/TB eat the red diamond, or the red crystals/TB eat the black diamond? I don't want to chance muddying my shrimp colors.
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