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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. 3 shrimp in a 1.5g? They could live their whole lives in there. heh Smart thinking on your quick set up. Sorry about your TOD. I'd keep them under quarantine for a month if planning on moving them. If not moving them, add a seeded sponge filter and you are good to go. The biggest challenge with small tanks is to keep on top of params. Evaporation will play a huge part in prams changing.
  2. Ugh Hair algae. Reminds me I have to get those timers!
  3. The coding in this forum makes it easier.
  4. fixed. Just copy the url from the vid and paste it.
  5. My favorite eye color on neos is green. I've been waiting for someone to do a strain of specific neo eye color for a long time. Such a simple idea, yet noone has created a strain yet- which has surprised me. Yes, I have also seen white.
  6. I love people who have this much passion about something. It really helps the rest of us feel renewed by seeing your energy.
  7. They'll throw them occasionally. If you want classic rilis, just end up keeping more and more of those and less and less of splotched, or sort them out into different tanks/compartments.
  8. ...and has lots of money to do the business upkeep.
  9. Would be pretty if teh galaxies gave different colors of spots. Kinda like the BD of galaxies.
  10. Where there's a will, there's a way. LOL
  11. It's already seasoned, so they'll enjoy it just fine. Do you know the params?
  12. In general: TiB= Tiger x Crystal Psuedo TiB= TT x Crystal TaiTiB= Taiwan Bee x TiB
  13. Great pics. The TT and Supers are available here in the US already. I think Blue Crown has access to azura blues.
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