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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. They are very pretty. Each one is slightly different, and soon you may find you have a favorite or two from the population. Provided they breed well for you my suggestion is to use this awesome gift to try your selective breeding you've been wanting so much to do . Any babies that are bred that don't fit in with your program, sell here at the forum as a way to get some money back to upgrade your shrimp equipment/food/etc. If you do it correctly, you should earn enough to offset cost for new shrimp supplies for yourself- thus helping you out with your money problem for your aquarium too. So you see, Countryboy is very generously giving you a gift that will not only help you now, but help you in the future as well. Think of it as your first venture into business. I would have loved to have had this lesson as a kid! I Love our members here!
  2. Once again, I have to say it. We have AWESOME members at this forum!
  3. aquariumlover, someone anonymous has stepped forward and paid for your RAOK with the spirit of Christmas. I can send Monday if you'd like. Gotta love this forum!!!
  4. Seems like you'll fit right in. Be sure to get yourself a gh and kh test as well.
  5. I had a bad car scare myself recently involving brakes. I feel for ya man. Glad you are without injury. You are much more valuable than a vehicle!
  6. Some theories have it that they release a toxin in their slime that affects the immediate area.
  7. Sounds good. PM me with any plans you may have.
  8. I tried ordering from there these shrimp before, but they were not packed well and all died in transit. (why the heck would one strap a heat pack on the OUTSIDE of a styro box in winter?!?) Anyway, the business replied fast after I contacted them a bit upset and sent a refund with apology, so I can't hold too much of a grudge against them. heh Looks like Steve has done wonders with these shrimp. Bravo for being a pioneer in this! And let me know when you are ready to sell some off.
  9. So have you been selecting those with no black patterning then? What is the percentage throw of patterned offspring from non patterned?
  10. This may be a case of one country calling something different than another country...or a supplier calling something a different name to sell better. This is a pic of what is referred to as blue velvet in the US: Some are darker (DBV) some lighter, but they don't have rili markings. What is pictured here: is typically called Blue Carbon RIli. The "black" markings over either the clear or blue body is often caused by dense blue pigment on the shell. I understand going with the name that was given you by the supplier, but IMO they are called something different in America. Either way, they are pretty.
  11. Do you still need me to hold them, or are you good to go?
  12. My experience is that they would survive, but not breed that low.
  13. Great to have you here! I'm looking forward to your experiences and perhaps you'll learn a bit here as well.
  14. So, you are looking to run a total of 8 bubblers from 1 pump? Are you expanding, to just want enough power for that?
  15. COming back from "holiday" or vacation is always a little depressing, but it's totally AWESOME what you were able to accomplish!
  16. Nice shrimp. That BV looks an awful lot like blue carbon rili to me though.
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