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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Thank you for going out of your way, Dluxe.
  2. While researching, found some interesting info: " It's actually a fern not a liverwort, pellia is monoselenium tenellum, it's scientific name is probably Lomariopsis lineata and it is not subwasertang it is susswassertang, the german symbol for "ss" looks like a b which is how that mistake was made. " Anyway, I'm convinced it's not subwassertang because the lobes don't look like this: Plus, the branches are skinnier and droop. It may be pellia monosolenium tenerum ? Can anyone get a close up of the lobes and if their branches droop? Wondering if it may be possibly Metzgeria conjugata?
  3. Thanks, dude. Hopefully a couple more people can chime in to confirm or offer different opinions. :-)
  4. Double checking: Do your branches face upward? Mine are facing down like a weeping willow.
  5. example of my subwass in low light:
  6. You may be correct? My other two tanks with subwass grew round in the same low light though?
  7. A closer view of the branching:
  8. Looks similar to subwassertang, but does not grow round. Some type of pellia I'm guessing?
  9. My blue alleni had eggs and were never been with a male. Looked viable, but she either ate or dropped them all.
  10. The bandit strain is one of the newest on the scene and selectively bred and named by Steve R. Their proper name is Caridina Sulawesi. They originally come from 6+ph like other cards. My goal in buying them and working with them was to see if I could adapt them to 7+. I lost a lot in the process and the strongest survived, of course. I then bred f1 and f2 for more babies to get used to the params. When I decided to exit shrimping, I sold all of them off, but had some tiny babies too small to ship. I have 6 or 7 left in the tank that have now turned into adults in 7+ water. I'm told from those who have bred bandits, about 1/3 have better coloration. So, from my project it is currently unknown if the faded black/white is due to the higher ph or not. Here's some pics of mine showing some of the varied degrees of color. So, I see two choices you may choose to go with from my project: - The safest is to slowly adapt them back to 6+ph for best coloration and maximum baby survival. - The more risky way is to continue to pioneer their survival at 7+ph with the theory that coloration will become better as they adapt in future generations. They also would be easier for shrimpers to keep later on. I *think* I may have 7 in the tank, but I'll say 6 to be on the safe side. Today, I saw one berried. (No idea if that will keep in shipping?) Please understand these are worth more since they are a new strain. (I paid $150 for 15.) However, since I'm exiting shrimp, you can have all 6+ in the tank for 29.95! (Yes, that includes the berried one.) Priority Shipping/heat pack in the continental US is $12. As always, first to pm me gets them.
  11. American bred Bloody Marys. Not imported. I bought the original stock from Glass and was super impressed with the quality. These were placed with Joe's stock a while back for new blood. These are one of my favorite red strains of neo. *** I believe I may have 2 or 3 packages and that's all! *** Almost all are juvie to adult. Selling each package (10 shrimp) for 29.50, so they sell fast! (I'm exiting shrimping and need these moved out.) 12.00 insulated priority box and heat pack in the continental US. First pm'ed, first served.
  12. I thought I sold all my TB off, but in breaking down the tank- apparently 3 were hiding. So, let's move 'em out... These are 3 fully grown adult TB. The tank always had berries, so all 3 have probably bred multiple times. All 3 also appear to be female, but I've been fooled before. Quick sale for 19.95 . Priority shipping in continental US + heat pack is $12.
  13. All SCR are pending right now. If something falls through, I'll post. Thank you for looking. :-)
  14. Oh, and params are different, of course.
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