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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. There are a couple of places that have them, however I currently use this type: http://www.hanaquatics.com/extendable-3d-shrimp-net/
  2. Hi daz. Been away for a while, and just saw this. The upgrade took away some features and we tried to jerry-rig the best we could, but obviously it is still not as easy as it was. Hopefully by the next upgrade, we'll have a better way to leave feedback.
  3. More power to you trying this. If anyone can do it, YOU can! ;-)
  4. Please do Sarah. :-) Just a note. The only shell that grows is at the lip of the opening. That part is constantly added to which is why you will see rings with differences in water params. You want to be careful with adhesives that it doesn't touch the body since the snail stretches and flexes all the way in the shell. Outside holes will never be repaired by the snail itself since it is done with. Think of a fingernail. If you have a hole in the top white part of your nail it doesn't grow over. Inside the shell is a tissue membrane which can repair the shell inside, but doesn't affect outside appearance. Holes in snail shells are generally caused by the water being too acidic for them. Pits and holes are from the water eating away the shell. GH and calcium can help make the shell thicker, but ph will affect the structure over time.
  5. Oh, and I couldn't live without my 3D nets. They don't collapse and hold their shape underwater and out. Makes shrimping sooooooo much easier! For some reason I get nervous about a glass catcher because of it being glass (I'm clumsy- I once broke a tank just getting it out of the car.) and transferring used water from tank to tank. Not to say I wouldn't get one in the future, but just been nervous about them so far. heh
  6. White fungus is fine on the leaves too, as the shrimp like that as well. ;-)
  7. Heyya Prez. Welcome to ShrimpSpot! :-) Dreams are variable in color intensity and sometime patterns. Diamonds throw reds, chocolates, and other colors as well. Though now they are getting better. Blue Velvets are pretty true breeding. BP is not davidii, but palmata. These are fairly true, but the blue intensity varies. Keep in mind all the above refers to the real strains. There are a lot of people that sell by phenotype and not genotype, so you may not know what you are really buying unless you know who is reputable and what to look for.
  8. Yepper. That's the way I do it. :-) Brolly33, seems like that would be a possibility, right? When I dip my bamboo skewer or toothpick in, I shake off any water drops before dipping into the powder. The powder clings to it because it is moist, and once all the moistness is covered, the dry powder is left behind. All in less than a half second. LOL No adverse effects I've seen yet. I also just swirl the powder on the stick directly in the tank. The shrimp don't care if it floats or sinks, and you'll wind up with a mixture of both until all eventually sinks (as long as you have surface tension broken with a bubbler, filter, etc.) Just be careful if you have duckweed std you don't transfer it from tank to tank if you have a rack.
  9. Depends how many shrimp in how large of a tank. Chances are if you only have 20 shrimp, their main diet is biofilm with snowflake as a supplement.
  10. First make sure it is planaria and not neomatodes or detritus worms. Only planaria is harmful. Second, if using the .1g per 10g, use panacur found in the pet section for dogs. Pure fenben is very toxic unless you have an idea what you are doing.
  11. Different strains react differently to water types. What params did the breeder keep them in? Often tap plays a role in neo breeding. Tap water changes during the year and the make up isn't the same from time to time. What gave success in June, may not give success in July, etc. With RO you can control what is in the water. This is why so many people (including myself) has had much more success with RO.
  12. Man, that's rough. I'm sorry to hear that, man. You could try to make a deal with someone in the hobby that you send the shrimp, and in the future they send some back to you when you laid low long enough. If that's not possible AB or the marketplace here will sell. For emergency "get it out now" you can do a raok or several raoks here. Again, sorry to hear the situation you are in. I remember someone stating they made a deal with the wife. Whatever they spent on their hobby, the wife could spend the same on what she wanted. Seemed to work out well.
  13. I'm super interested in following along. :-)
  14. One of the pluses with Alita is that it is a linear piston pump. Diaphragms wear out much more quickly. Of course, this (and quality) is also what makes Alita more expensive.
  15. From my experience my neos bred more in gh than gh/kh., but everyone has their own water chemestry from differing sources.
  16. For my racks I have 18 valve stainless steel manifolds which are great. Someday I'll run colored hose to each tank and valve to make it easier for myself though. My best 2 investments have been 1) Alita air pump. (In my case AL60), and RO filter.
  17. Unfortunately, none. When working with crs, to sell more expensive you start more expensive. High quality crs are made from years of selectively breeding. Even TB are made from selectively breeding. The best option is to sell the babies and continually upgrade if desired.
  18. Sounds like a molting problem. Every now and then a shrimp doesn't molt well.
  19. Offhand it looks like wild neos, but difficult to be sure.
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