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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL Well, at least you are brain storming shrimprus.
  2. To save on drops, you can cut water and drops by half, but I don't think that was your question.
  3. Glad to have you here.
  4. And also can be very harmful because of the unknown things that are on lr. While that's not too problematic for fish, shrimp larvae can be eaten by just about anything. My plan is to remove shrimp larvae and place into a kreisel until stabilizing. Full control of food will be from there.
  5. LOL I guess I've been overly cautious without knowing it!
  6. Heavily planted tanks are beautiful, but it does make it hard sometimes to see the colony. The best time is to drop a pellet of food in and then observe the shrimp that have come out.
  7. Honestly I don't know. It would take a mutation for sure. You and I both know hoaxes regarding shrimp fly around the net with lighting speed. Myths, stories,etc. However if it DID happen- and it is not a part of this new yellow strain- it's a shame it was not bred out. Do you have a link to more information on this yellow cardinal? I'd love to know what little info there is on it. Mutations and new vars make me drool. LOL
  8. I've heard the same for mystery snails. Oh, and I use the .1g for planaria, and .05g for hydra. Bother are fine to use, but the .05 is a little gentler- but it does take an extra couple days or so to work depending on the strain of hydra. Also, turn off your lights after dosing for the first day at least. It breaks down photochemically.
  9. Fantastic! In 2008 this was posted as well: As far as I know nothing came of it, unless it was the starting line for a yellow strain that is now becoming available. Personally I like the bicolored.
  10. The most effective fenben I've used is this:
  11. I think I want to try some trumpet snails in my shrimp tanks to reduce the debris on the substrate. Anyone have some? How much?
  12. yepper. They can be really pretty too under a microscope. Here's some marine diatoms:
  13. heh I'm one of those that likes the sound of the bubbles as well.
  14. I've had a package lost in the mail for 2 weeks once. I told the buyer I would make everything okay, since he and I figured they'd be DOA. When he finally got the box, all were alive and well. Don't give up hope!
  15. LOL That's why so many of us own multiple tanks. The leaves are generally accepted by most types of shrimp.
  16. Phenotype is different from genotype. What looks the same, may not BE the same.
  17. Just look carefully at your colony. If you are very nervous, dose with tannins. Others may be able to chime in their opinions as well.
  18. BTW, I love the star wars reference in the title of this thread.
  19. You are very welcome. Sharing information is what this forum is all about.
  20. You can still type with your other hand.
  21. There are other people here much more educated than I on RO systems. I just bought a cheapie 100 gpd system from purewaterclub.com and have been very happy with it. I know others are more dedicated to more expensive systems, but better yield. It all depends what you are looking for. Do you want a DI filter? How much do filters cost? These are all things to take into consideration.
  22. More than one person (including myself) freaked out when being a newbie starting a shrimp tank because of all the nematodes and worms and "bugs" that are seen. Fish eat 'em, so we never see them in a fish tank. Shrimp don't, and so they are part of the ecosystem. Sometimes it takes time to accept that.
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