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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL I sometimes sprinkle some flake fish food for my cat, and he loves the stuff. Refuses catnip though.
  2. *whispers* 30,000 posts mark hit. YAY! *sneaks away*
  3. Thanks, countryboy. Ebibunbun, just pm me when you are ready and we'll do business. I've worked to create some darker colors than the greenish clear you often see.
  4. Your first step is to document your set up and experience doing so in a journal here on the forum. Get tips and share knowledge.
  5. I've recently switched back from gh/kh to gh+. I can use it for all my shrimp regardless of card or neo.
  6. I do too. Plenty of "elbow" space to be about and look for food, as well as viewing shrimp.
  7. The good thing is that fems don't retain sperm like guppies do. One mating, one berried. Then clean as a whistle and ready to mate again. Sorry your project is put on hold right now, however you have plenty of time.
  8. Truthfully, I think I would hold off dosing much of anything. If you see any other shrimp having a problem, then you can think about dosing. However anything you dose changes the environment, and really you want the environment to be as stable as possible since you just moved them a week ago.
  9. Neos are pretty hardy- even in the mail if packaged right. I wouldn't get concerned until you open the box.
  10. Snowflake is good, and part of all my shrimp diets. It's great stuff.
  11. Sounds like you will be a responsible owner of a knowledgeable store, my friend.
  12. You may still have to sell feeder fish though.
  13. I don't know about snowballs since technically the white is caused by "lack" of color, however I know in my neos astaxanthin caused bad colors to happen. I have recently been feeding the new omniapro because it has no astaxanthin, and things have been working well. The old omniapro has astaxanthin though, so whomever you buy it from- be sure to ask if it has it listed in the ingredients or not. I used to think spirulina dulled the color of my shrimp, however recent trials have not shown that for me.
  14. Just an interesting observation- one of my snowball tanks had not berried in a pretty long while. A couple days ago I threw in 2 ramshorns in the snailess tank to help with clean up. The next day I walk in to find 3 berried. Weird, huh?
  15. I was always told it was cheaper to catch and sell them from the wild than breed them in facilities, so almost none are commercially bred. (?)
  16. Red/orangish tissue is seen time to time in crystals. What is causing it to be seen is the white fading. My expertise are neos, so hopefully someone is able to answer your question on improving the white again. Usually fading color is caused by stress.
  17. These kind of threads are fun. They show other's creativity which I enjoy.
  18. The antennae look broken/short as well. As horrible as it sounds, I'd just cull her and chalk up the loss. If no other shrimp are showing this, I wouldn't worry about doing anything for them yet. It's possible you captured the shrimp before infecting anyone else.
  19. The forum is just a bunch of electronic code jibberish. Anyone can have a forum. It's the members here that have made this place ROCK and become a success! It's nice to walk in from a hard day knowing we can all relax, socialize, and share tips! What a terrific family friendly place you all have created! You are awesome! Thank YOU! :goodjob:
  20. Subtle Aquatics deals with apistos last time I checked. You may want to contact him.
  21. Yepper. And in addition, it removes anything else bad that may have gone wrong that one cannot pinpoint. This falls into the category of "Try as we may, we cannot test for everything."
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