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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. stoned, are you familiar with adding bacteria to shrimp from another colony? Each shrimp colony ha it's own bacteria. Most times shrimp are able to adjust to new bacteria when new shrimp are introduced, however there are times when the bacteria added from new shrimp is just too much for them to handle and die offs occur. This is a risk whenever we add new shrimp to an existing colony.
  2. At this point it may be better to wait until next year, or have a Christmas in July. Only 4 members are interested and it's very close to the holidays.
  3. For substrate, I just use black blasting sand from Menards. $8 for 50 lbs.
  4. What a great raok! 1. ANBU 2. Slycat929 3. Metageologist 4. DETAquarium 5. Poopians 6. Merth 7. Mayphly 8. Glasshalfful 9. Steve R. 10. Elo500 11. James Aquatics 12. dukendabears 13. kubism 14. bostoneric 15. Ebi-San 16. Miwu 17. Hiatus 18. StayMotivated 19.Vinn 20. Jadenlea 21. Nick_R 22. RyeGuy411 23. Uscgjay 24. Rodan76 25. r45t4m4n 26. Soothing Shrimp
  5. That's how new exciting strains are created. Who knows? You may get some amazing red cherries!
  6. Ah. I just asked this in a different thread. Knowing that info, let's see if anyone else has had that problem and see if they can supply a solution.
  7. Hate to see you go if it can be fixed somehow. You never answered which browser you are using.
  8. I don't know why then. What browser are you using?
  9. Like I said. I'm stubborn. However if it doesn't work, I'll consider a refugium.
  10. Feel free to post links. We're all here for socialization and education.
  11. Try an alternate route. Highlight text, control C to copy, then control V to paste. Don't know why you are having so much problems. (?) Are you using firefox?
  12. Don't think I will be using any. My plan is to set it up as much like a freshwater as possible. Live sand is a possibility.
  13. Are you using a desktop computer, or cell phone?
  14. Did you press on quote? Are you doing your quoting from a desktop or cell phone?
  15. Well, like I said. I'm hard headed, but I have other ideas on how to do this. So, either I'll succeed, or I'll fail- but experimentation is one way of gathering knowledge.
  16. it is similar by phenotype. Genotype...well...who knows? heh
  17. I use UP sand, and it goes to 5ish naturally. So I add a pinch of baking soda to bring up the ph. It will go back down, but very slowly and takes time. Then just bump it up again.
  18. Signed. Not sure how legal the petition will be without first and last names and ways to contact the person who signed. But regardless, signed.
  19. Sounds great! I've mentioned before how I feel that this is a great way to up the quality of the shrimp in the USA. Do you have a link to the page?
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