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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. With more and more people slowly entering the shrimp hobby, there's more and more demand for new strains of shrimp. Some will sell for less than $5 each, some for much more. This thread may be helpful to those people who wonder how to come up with first ideas for getting their feet wet with breeding new strains. New ideas and strains need not be complicated, nor does one have to wait for new mutations to magically pop up. If every new strain was created by a sudden appearance from something previously unknown, shrimping would be much slower indeed. Instead, one only has to look at things that occasionally are seen and decide on whether or not it would be interesting to create a whole variety of shrimp to have that trait. For example, in neocaridina other countries consider strains with stripes as another variation, just as strains without stripes are. So far this is a missed opportunity in America. The genes are already out there, so no need to wait for mutations. Yes, there are some people who don't like stripes on shrimp, however as new people enter the shrimping hobby, there will be others who consider them very attractive. Different strokes for different folks. The more variety we have, the more to choose from. For example, here's a person here who has worked on the striped version of red cherries. His goal was to create a strain of red shrimp with a nice solid white stripe. Lots of other colors have this pop up every once in a while. And some stripes are even different colors. --- So you have a trait that occasionally pops up in cards or neos, now what? Well, if you only have one, you can go through the loooong process of isolating your shrimp, trying to breed it at just the right time and hoping that some babies in the F1 exhibit this trait. Then breed back to P1 if they don't... ...OR... The nice thing is that we have so many shrimpers here on this forum, one could just go to the sales section and post a wanted ad to buy what trait you are wanting to breed for in order to get started on your strain. --- How about a strain consisting of eye color? Sound far fetched? OEBT is one example of shrimp that has been bred for this. The opportunities are many, and the game of selective breeding is fun and a way to give back to the shrimp community. This is where the members of the forum are so helpful with knowledge. What are some traits that pop up occasionally that could be bred into a strain? I'd love for our members to share ideas.
  2. Like I said, I haven't heard anything else about that project, so I encourage you to breed for males with stripes too. This should be an easy relaxing project for you.
  3. Thanks guys! LOL I'm dense sometimes.
  4. I'm lost....what does dragon monkey have to do with shrimp?
  5. Only by changing foods, and feeding group A one thang, while group B gets fed another.
  6. My philosophy is- If it's an actual color, you can breed for it. heh Years ago I ran across a shrimper who had made it his goal to begin breeding for ghost shrimp colors. I encouraged him to go for it. Unfortunately, I never heard of his project since. I highly encourage you to do it too, but you may have a challenge depending on if the larvae need freshwater or brackish.
  7. Look at this post for your answer: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/475-tb-terms/page-4#entry21402
  8. 5 looks like 9 in that language? Hey, give me a break- I'm reaaaaally stretching here! LOL
  9. When he originally bred the strain he concentrated on just having the genetics for every single fem being born with a stripe. Once he won awards for that, he said he was going to start concentrating on all males having the stripe as well since some of his males had stripes, too. This was years ago, and haven't heard anything since.
  10. The neons were bred specifically as a strain to have the yellow stripe. A regular yellow strain may have the yellow stripe occur randomly, but neons have it bred in. Slycat, if you have a strain that has consistent stripes, they are neons... And may now be called Goldenbacks?
  11. yes, but so do neons. In fact they were named neons because the original breeder thought his strain looked like a neon light (the racing stripe) radiating yellow. Here's an example of neons from a quick google search: For comparison, here's a golden back yellow: They look the same to me. (?) Many people confuse the name neon as referring to a color, when actually it refers to the racing stripe. Sometimes sellers/wholesalers change names of the genetically same item to sell a product better. I'm wondering if that's what happened.
  12. Does anyone have any info or pics on Alleni color crossing?
  13. Are Golden Back Yellows just a new name for Neon Yellows? It looks that way to me, but would like other people's opinion.
  14. The way I figure, it's "clean" since it was in a plastic baggie, and they eat decaying debris anyway since they are clean up crew. It's not moist, so no bad bacterial growth, and it's dried. Yeah, I have no probs feeding it should I decide to.
  15. Good decisions. A screen divider won't help that much. heh Shrimp love to climb over walls. The Malawa that was pictured is clearish. Those do pop up since no one has developed a color strain yet. However there are also tiger patterns, charcoal, greenish clearish, brown, reddish, blue and just about every color in between. They will out breed cherries in even the harshest conditions. LOL Also, be aware that BD don't breed true. You'll wind up just about every color. Not bad if you like a skittles tank. If you want a single color, better to go with something that breeds true. Just depends on what you want.
  16. To all of our American members- Happy Thanksgiving! We're very glad to have you here! To all our non-American members- We're thankful to you being here! To all of our guests- We would love to have you become part of our forum! And to everyone... Thank you for making Shrimp Spot a huge success!
  17. Got some TB from Mayphly and they all survived the cold trip to me. Pretty and beautiful. And what I also admire is that Mayphly has bred his TB to be strong and hardy! As a selective breeder, and shrimper, I appreciate that. A+! Thank you.
  18. Yeah, weird huh? I found it in my supplies of forgotten foods that someone sent me. I actually tried looking it up, and can't find it anywhere.
  19. Good that you got some things figured out for yourself, camaro, Congrats on the offspring.
  20. No chance of that. This could give me an interesting opportunity to mix colors though...
  21. Yeah. Challenge is my fem is pretty large. Don't know if she'll make mincemeat out of any male not large enough now. heh
  22. Well this time my white cray wasn't so lucky. Found it dried up on the floor. At some point I'll have to get a male now.
  23. Go for it. I've been using it on my Adult pet Marble for about a month and she's beginning to show some blue now.
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