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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Great to have you join the sponsor side of things, Mayphly!
  2. "Don't they eat fresh spinach and other vegetables?" I'm not arguing, merely thinking aloud. The spinach leaves have been severed from a plant, so are in the process of dying, no? In addition, many of us boil/freeze them, which rupture cell membranes and this makes them in the process of melting/decaying. So I guess all precut leaves that are put into the tank are not in the best of shape anymore- so fair game for shrimp. heh You may be correct that the shrimp are eating a healthy plant, however it would be one of the first times I have heard of this.
  3. They have been very slow breeding this year, however I'm hoping that's coming to an end. 3 were berried this month.
  4. If she does not have an infection, she'll grow back the body parts next molt.
  5. I'm afraid those pics were lost when my hard drive failed on my computer awhile back. The color was approx like this: I only made it up to sakura though before I stopped my project. I imagine the breeding is very tricky as the red has to be see through. If the red pigment is too dense, it looks red.
  6. Seems there's at least two rili genes floating around. One appears to be dominant and the other recessive. It will be interesting to see which you have.
  7. I've done that with very good results when I was working with high quality rilis. BTW, I think some of us have owned a "tank of death" before. That one tank where no matter what you try, almost nothing seems to thrive!
  8. I have tried others and they rust and don't have sealed edges. Han makes the absolute best handmade SS filter guards around IMO. He's also able to custom make filter guards for other things as well. If you need one, just ask him about them.
  9. "I have 4 blue velvet and 2 yellow sakuras in a heavily planted 20h tank with minnows, an otto and a clown pleco." "i noticed too sometimes that shrimps lose some of their color when stressed" That would be my answer, too.
  10. Could be. Lots of different blue neos out there. It may be a new strain as well.
  11. +1 You know how those benders can go. LOL
  12. Get well Doc! And congrats on selling the site.
  13. Keep in mind businesses are in...well...business. Their goal to to get as much money as possible to have profits. Hobbyists often sell shrimp to offset their costs. Goals are different. Often one is able to buy a single item from a hobbyist for less (Ie. Shrimp). While stores offer multiple items to buy at the same place which can be convenient. Just depends which route you want to go. I'm at the point now that I like buying shrimp, etc from hobbyists because I know they care about husbandry and the backgrounds of their stock.
  14. Fire reds will help eliminate the "ear holes" on rilis. I've done it myself with good success.
  15. LOL I was breeding plums a while back as my own project. Basically blue tissue with red shell pigment. But they were quite weak and did poorly, so I stopped the project.
  16. Found an old article/pics of purple neos. Thought others may be interested as well: https://web.archive.org/web/20120509120625/http://www.crustahunter.com/en/node/697
  17. Did you know that according to the FDA even water has to have an expiration date?
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