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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. For the Alpha Shrimp (Metabetaeus lohena) try http://www.shrimpmart.net/product/metabetaeus-lohena-or-alpha-opae-ula-anchialine-shrimp or http://www.hawaii-opaeula.com/ I have no experience with either, but those are the only two I know that offers them.
  2. I'll be looking forward to your trial again. I think this sw shrimp will be my first venture, so I'll be following closely no matter the outcome.
  3. I love albinos. Much harder to get in aquatic life than mammals though.
  4. I think they can look like little water snakes at times. LOL
  5. featherblue, have you had any luck raising larvae to settling (I just learned that word. LOL) yet?
  6. red or green or maybe a different wild color. LOL I wish mixing shrimp were like paints, however genetics just isn't that easy.
  7. Don't 'cha know it, countryboy! LOL Although there are some great DIY kreisel tanks to make for incredibly cheap. Like a 10g tank and water jug: http://www.ventralfins.com/diy_kreisel.html Featherblue is a member here and had a great post on how he did one: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/283-hi-all/?hl=kreisel
  8. My apologies. My focus is sometimes- LOOK! Something shiny! Now back to our picture thread.
  9. I think that would be cool, aqua, I just can't find a pic of that.
  10. I've heard about the circular flow. Makes me think two tanks would be good. One for housing and breeding, another for raising larvae.
  11. Do you have alink to the B&W one? I can't find it. However I did find some different colors: Red Black? Yellow Green
  12. I apologize for derailing this thread though. Back to shrimpiness.
  13. If I'm reading this correctly, you are saying a card can produce a yellow neo?
  14. Would you be willing to share links of TB x Neo crosses? I'd be interested in reading them. This goes against everything I have learned so far as a selective breeder.
  15. Pico has good eyes. LOL Detrius worms, are a great help to clean up.
  16. Fish stores, even if trying to keep up with the latest knowledge, will often not be knowledgeable about shrimp. That's not their main business, and it;s almost impossible to know about every variety of animal they have. The good news is that even if your shrimp become berried by the other color, they are not like guppies and hold sperm. Once they release the babies they have to be mated again to be berried. So there's no ruining your line once they are able to be mated with again.
  17. Usually a death with that separation means a molt problem. Neos usually like 6+ gh to molt properly.
  18. Welcome! Both BV and yellows are Neo Davidi and will breed together if you have them in the same aquarium. Nothing wrong with that if you are experimenting, however if yu want a nice line of one color you may want to separate them. All depends on your goals. Again, welcome here!
  19. Great to have your knowledge here Stu!
  20. You don't have to remove it. If anything, you should leave it up so people are aware of how they are created.
  21. Pretty sweet dude. You should post your stuff. I'll bet some members here have a clue how to help ya.
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