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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Because they don't want to tip their hat to secrets they have for their tanks, and new projects working on in fear someone else will beat them putting them out first.
  2. Neo Davidi breeding with a card TB is extremely uncommon. It is my opinion many of the "breedings" are actually wild neos that were thrown. My understanding is the YKK is actually a psuedo TaiTB. (TTxTB)
  3. Different breeders have bred shrimp in different conditions for generations. You may have done everything perfectly as far as drip acclimation, etc- and still have shrimp that have been selectively bred by nature for different params. How long have you had them?
  4. That looks neat. I don't have a cell phone yet, but when I do I just may send a pm your way for this.
  5. I stand corrected. Smaller than 5g is what I mean. Thanks aquariumlover10.
  6. That's beautiful. Mine are all jerry rigged. heh
  7. I don't have a problem with that. heh I do have a problem when they do things like make cuts into fish to create a form. Ie. The "Heart" Parrot Cichlid created by cutting off the tail when young. If you could get a name for that curl fish, I'd very much appreciate it. A phone call should do it.
  8. I've heard they can be kept in nano tanks as well. Intriguing, yes? They get about as big as cherries supposedly.
  9. Just for a bit of fun, I made a shrimpspot theme for firefox that members here may enjoy. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-uS/firefox/addon/shrimpspot-com/
  10. So I'm looking at several shrimp for future projects. Blue Poso definitely looks interesting. I have great interest in selective breeding them. Pintos are beautiful of course, as well as TB. Brackish Ula are cool. I find myself fascinated with sw shrimp recently. My main focus is breeding, so they have to be able to be bred. Sexy Shrimp and Peppermints have been successfully bred in captivity, with easy to feed larvae- so that's a good place to start. As in anything, I have to give myself a feeling of success, otherwise I become easily frustrated. I'm absolutely convinced I can make saltwater set up for as cheap as freshwater. I've had people tell me it can't be done simply, but of course I'll have to test the boundaries and find out myself through trial and error.
  11. Is it cheaper to just run a whole home off a natural gas generator instead of the grid?
  12. Orange rili sure is pretty. Mine keep throwing orangish-yellows though, not rili.
  13. Heh I would, but the working sink is on the opposite end of the house.
  14. You could create two lines just from the dark red and lighter red.
  15. Yeah. Last time I bought a large amount of Least killi from someone I didn't know/wasn't referred, I wound up with some nice cases of ick.
  16. I know some people have done it, but I wouldn't suggest it. It would be hard to separate the marm babies from the shrimp after hatching from berrying. They also are opportunistic feeders, so while they are slow moving and shrimp are faster, having a whole tank of cray fry would be problematic I'm guessing. heh
  17. You may be right, however I'm stubborn. LOL I have to try it my way first to learn.
  18. LOL That's what happened to me with my current pet marm! I've satisfied myself I have one as a pet,now the others can go back into the life cycle. heh
  19. When I fed powder food, I didn't know how much to add and wound up with hydra. Now I know better, but still am gunshy. I'd just put a pellet in, wait until the snails congregate on it,and add another for the shrimp in a different spot.
  20. Personally, I'm going to forgo the live rock. When I set up the tank, I want to know exactly what is in the tank at any given time from day one.
  21. If it is a bacterial infection, lots of tannins and lowering temperature can help.
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