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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Countryboy, have you done the water reset I mentioned earlier?
  2. They start getting territorial as adults, so if in a tank together, provide plenty of hiding spots (fake plants, pvc, clay pots, etc) to break up the line of sight from each other. They get vulnerable too when molting. The more hiding spots, the more that can be kept in a tank. Tank size is subjective. I've kept 5 adults in a tenner before without problems because of "clutter." Having said that, I currently have a pet Marm that I keep in a cheap tenner bare tank, by herself. Reason for keeping influences choice of tank size. If kept as a pet, get a tank or container as large as you wish so you can enjoy them. If a feeder production factory, I've seen fish keepers keep one each in storage containers, and 5g buckets. All depends on your intentions.
  3. You can see our search so far for cheap systems here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1830-anyone-else/#entry27110
  4. Fry start at 1/8 and grow fast. Some people freeze them at the size they want for future use. I keep them at 7+ ph and ~300TDS, however they are kind of like hardy fish in the sense that they'll have no problem with other params. Recommend gh 6 and up.
  5. You have to start the siphon to drip or stream. You can either 1) dip the entire thing in the water and then either close the valve or 2) put your finger over the end that will be outside the tank, or keep your finger over the outside hose or 3) use a bulb or syringe or whatever to start it. The key is for air not to enter the outside tube since the inside will be in the water. IN this way you can start the siphon. Personally, I don't like my hands in the tank much because of unknown chems or whatever on my hands that may cause problems, so I just start by mouth suction. I misplace a bulb, but I always have my big mouth. LOL
  6. When developing and selectively breeding lines, shrimpers can be pretty nasty to each other. Even sharing personal ideas can be the catalyst for a wave of flames. On top of that, there are importers and sellers that will do shady things towards another person, or downright cross the line- just to put another person out of business. It's very easy to become burned out when "bad" things come at you. It's not just all smiling faces, which is why this forum is so important. Here we tend to police ourselves much of the time and for lack of a better word, have a place to "relax" and encourage each other. Honestly, it helps to recharge optomism and the "batteries" of the soul.
  7. That's what I'm saying. I think many of us have some preconceived idea that sw is hard and expensive. I love the variety of shrimp in the Marine life, and I really think it could be simple and "cheap."
  8. You can change your time zone by clicking on your name ---> "My Control Panal" ---> Settings ---> Profile Settings
  9. Here's a link to my favorite write up on a cheap sw set up. It's off the net now, so I had to find it in the internet archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20130911060940/http://www.bestfish.com/ssss.html
  10. I truly think I can, countryboy. I have some ideas already.
  11. At 1" they'll be cloning/berrying pretty soon. If interested, PM me.
  12. I'm definitely looking into it for shrimp. I may start with peppermint shrimp to give me a feeling of accomplishment and move from there. They are supposed to be pretty hardy and bred by commercial breeders. Lifespan is 2-3 yrs. My main goal is to figure out an extremely simplistic and ubber cheap sw tank and do it.
  13. LOL I literally just now found my camera charger, so let me have a few minutes to charge it up and I'll post a pic or two. I have 1/2" to 1 1/2" to adults. Any idea what size would interest you?
  14. Marble crayfish aka Marmorkrebs are self cloning craysfish that are mainly used for feeding the cray fry to fish to get them into breeding condition. Open to trades. Hit me up with an offer.
  15. Can you partially block the end of the intake tube to limit water coming in?
  16. One can always find another place if you look hard enough.
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