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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. That's a chimera. The egg split for twins and got reabsorbed into each other, so the genetics are different on each half.
  2. Try looking down from the top and place white paper under the tube.
  3. Took the words out of my mouth. The photo is awesome! Unfortunately I've heard from so many people saying they don't breed like this and that is the exception, that I was really disappointed to hear that.
  4. So this is always a fun discussion. Every few years the list changes, however what are the most expensive shrimp offered to the fw hobby currently? Once could always say the most expensive is whatever is new. heh But currently what is the most expensive? I know some PRL are very expensive right now, and some pintos. Anyone else like to chime in?
  5. LOL Those shrimp are in California. I'm in IL. That's why I asked if anyone lived near those places.
  6. A bit gruesome, and too bad they now cannot ID the victim, but an interesting read along with cultural beliefs. http://www.examiner.com/article/650-pound-tiger-shark-caught-by-fisherman-contained-human-leg-head
  7. Thanks folks. Driving my wife's car now, which means we have to get up about an hour earlier to drop everyone off, but at least it's safe.
  8. If one collects these and breeds them, then no worries about taking a bunch from the wild because of captive bred.
  9. LOL LOTS! That is the main reason why I have that and hair algae.
  10. yeah, but that involves hands in the water for an extended period of time.
  11. You could decorate the house like this:
  12. It looks beautiful to me, too. If it's illegal I won't ask it, however I've found several scientific papers on them and not one has mentioned illegal. Very little is written on them beyond berrying, so little to no info on larvae or how long it takes to transform. So far though it looks very similar to cherry shrimp, with the main difference being sw.
  13. I'd like to think the curl is bred naturally and not "man-made."
  14. Cool! In the tide pools is a shrimp that I'd like to work with. I can't find anyone on the net that sells it: Heptacarpus pictus var. green
  15. I use the mag floats for the soft algae and it works fine for me, but doesn't do squat for hard algae. I'll check it out! Thanks! Now, to find the cheapest source...
  16. Yeah, but those have humps. Not that pointy curl.
  17. "3G and 5g on the shelves and 17g on top" Careful about it being top heavy.
  18. That definitely could help. The larger the volume of water, the more stable the params are, and the more time you can find something before it goes seriously awry. I find the smaller tanks are hard to keep stable with TDS and temp because of evaporation, but others such as Wicca do just fine. Congrats on the no more losses!
  19. Welcome! There's a great write up on Ula in the brackish section that you may get a tip or two from. Great to have you here!
  20. Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, CA Bird Rock intertidal area in La Jolla, California*** (especially good) or Pigeon Point, California?
  21. Just found some old information for ya: Add 1 mL of distilled white vinegar per gallon of tank water to initially reduce pH by about 0.3 units. After it enters the tank it is decomposed to CO2 by bacteria.
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