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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'll bet a very pretty one at that. Thanks for the gentle correction.
  2. Probably hatched. The black dots were eyes. No harm done on plants unless you threw away some babies. They are super small when newborn.
  3. Those fish look kind of like blood parrots,but I've never seen that curl before.
  4. I've bought fry with good results, however it was from people that I knew were reliable.
  5. One day left to bid on $20 worth of shrimp! Good luck!
  6. Jaime is a good person. It's too bad she's been so busy lately. Should be a great journal to share with us!
  7. Supposedly just add two and hope they behave well. If one eats the other, add another. heh
  8. "The carbon and malawa have been fine. Its the Crystals/mischlings that are dying." Oooops. LOL Well, you may as well try it. Your shrimp are having a rough time as it is, and if this can help survival it will be worth it.
  9. Me too. Less disturbance, less debris flying around as well. Good to know it works for you, too.
  10. You can get cement paint too. Look in the garage section of your hardware store. Don't try to save a buck like our theatre did though. You need to prepare the cement first. We just went for the paint without preparing it and the paint would flake up. Bad idea. When done right, it is epoxy and will withstand some amazingly harsh conditions.
  11. Jaden, I've been there as have many of us. It's not easy and very frustrating- especially when you can't pinpoint the problem. I'm going to suggest a radical solution that I've used myself with good results. You don't have cards, you have cherries and Malawa, so you should be fine. In fact, I've been using this method recently on all my tanks for a "fresh" year. Consider this a water "reset." Drain your tank of all but 1" or so of water. Have a bucket of all NEW remin RO water room temp and higher than your tank. Use airline hose to siphon it into your tank. Simple, but scary right? It works almost 100% of the time when I have old tank syndrome, and even when I want to start the new year fresh like I'm doing now. The side effect is larger and happier shrimp. By using airline hose instead of dumping it all in at one time, they have a longer time to adjust to it. In addition, it won't stir up all kinds of baddies if using the hose. You don't have to drip, just let it flow. Rest the lid on the hose and walk away. You may get a death or two, (I had maybe 2 out of 32 tanks thus far) but your unknown deaths should slow and stop. --- Of course this method isn't for everyone, just what has worked for me. I only do this extreme of a water change about once/twice a year, unless I have some unknown problem with a tank.
  12. Check your Nits to see if they skyrocketed and caused spikes.
  13. LOL That's okay. I still haven't been able to find my camera charger cord! I lose that thang so often I should put a remote beeper on it!
  14. I know peppermint shrimp eat meat too. As babies they are large enough to eat BBS
  15. Merth knows what he is talking about. I have fake wood flooring over concrete, and it is chipped to heck now, as well as warped.
  16. Do you have the tank in a place where it gets a temperature change at the same time every day? By a heater, window, etc?
  17. Found a really great write up on breeding and raising fire shrimp! http://cosee-central-gom.org/online_presentations/2004/03reading4.pdf
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