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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I've read that peppermint shrimp can be pretty easy and raise. Any others that are easy?
  2. I'm going to start moving some brackish/saltwater shrimp posts over to teh brackish area, so if you don't see it here, you will see it there. Most of you won't even notice a difference if you are using the "View New Content" tab anyway. LOL
  3. Didn't lotsofish die and his family was selling off his stuff?
  4. Yeah. 2004 something like that. We barely make bills, and most of the time they're late. So repairs and such usually are held off until tax returns. Looks as though we're robbing Peter to pay Paul soon.
  5. Not sure yet what kinds. In order, what are the easiest to hardest?
  6. I'm told MTS will eliminate the unsightly debris on the top layer of my substrate. How many would I need for a 10g?
  7. I'll start another thread so I don't hijack this one any more.
  8. In a fiver, if you have a couple deaths the ammonia can spike, which can cause other issues, which can lead to more deaths and have a vicious cycle.
  9. Had a bit of a hair raising experience today. My brakes snapped when I started driving my son to school. I knew I had been having bad brakes for a while, but when I heard that "clack" and all of a sudden I couldn't stop my van with my kids in the back seats...yeah...that was a bit scary. Managed to turn around, and ran a 4 way stop sign (no brakes) almost sideswiping a car. Guy was pissed, who could blame him? It wasn't like I could stop and tell him what was happening... Managed to slow down enough by driving part way on the road and partway on the grass by the curb enough to make it home. Oh, by the way, parking brake doesn't work to stop the van when you have no brakes, and you can't turn off the ignition and stop going on a downhill slant. Everyone is safe now. Walked the 5yr old twins to school and my 10 yr old son has the day off now since I can't drive him right now. heh Packages won't make it out until Monday now though. *sigh*
  10. Do MTS, take care of the layer of waste on the substrate? If so, I'll definitely consider adding them to my tanks. The ramshorns don't do much with it.
  11. Keeps the environment cooler,and some have drains.
  12. As a general rule, I don't either. However when the debris piles up as an actual layer over the entire substrate, I make an exception.
  13. Malawa may be sulawesi, however they are (in my opinion) even more hardy than cherries in the right conditions.
  14. Auto water change would be awesome. Central air compressor.
  15. Never seen it before. Does this just attach to the end of a hose when siphoning? I use a hose with Han's SS filter on the end and it works fine.
  16. I *wish* I had a water changing system. As is, I have to do each by hand.
  17. Could it be rotala without the iron/high light?
  18. I don't have it, but have to admit that it would be pretty nice in my arsenal.
  19. "I had to contact them to tell them they sent me one after they refunded my money."
  20. As with everything, it will probably come down after time. Hach ph meters are dry also, and cost around $100. But you still have to calibrate them. http://www.hach.com/pocketPro
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