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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Two ways to do wc without sucking them up. 1) Keep the tube siphon in the upper middle of the tank, and you should be pretty okay. That is done by most everyone I know. BUT I'm lazy and not super patient with 60+ tanks....so there's a 2nd way I developed and experimented with and have been very happy with- I use a 1/2" ID vinyl tube with one of Han's stainless steel mesh filters on the end. I also have a 3/8" one that also has a SS mesh on the end. Both syphon out water fast, and I don't have to worry a bit about where I place it, and sucking up anything but water. ...Although since I do non weighted down moss, I do have to make sure it doesn't stick to the SS filter. heh
  2. Freckles and black patterns isn't black spot disease, so no worries there. That's just normal coloration. IN black spot the shell will be ulcerated. In other words, holes eaten through the shell. In America it has been pretty rare, and usually only brought in through imports. Chances are something is off with params.
  3. I wish you all good luck, my friend.
  4. Does your jello have to be refrigerated after making, or is it fine in a container at room temp?
  5. A heads up for anyone who uses the USPS mailing system online. News just broke that they have been hacked, and info could included credit cards, addresses and social security numbers.
  6. I *think* the zebra pinto is also called keyboard. Can someone confirm or say otherwise? For further clarification, I'll use a quote from ineke: "Tibee - is a hybrid between a Tiger ( OEBT - orange eye blue tiger ) or also blonde tiger- and usually a Taiwan Bee ( TB) but some use crystals- CBS (Crystal Black Shrimp) and CRS ( Crystal Red Shrimp) with the Tiger TaiTibee - is a Tibee crossed back to a Taiwan Bee Pinto - is a color and type of Taitibee"
  7. Mosura Pinto Belly Pinto Zebra Pinto Skunk Pinto Nasashi or Tai-tibee
  8. Advice is always abundant and FREE on this forum.
  9. Yep, that's what I meant Christine. Vinman, you may want to rethink breeding any throws from BD into stable lines. The BD has a varied background while the stable line does not. So your offspring of such a breeding may not breed true, and your carbon/red lines may be messed up.
  10. Each result you get is important. The challenges are just as important as successes!
  11. http://allnaturalpetcare.com/blog/2012/01/31/natural-prevention-and-treatment-of-aquarium-fish-parasites/
  12. I've read occasionally that Pomegranate Extract can be used with shrimp to prevent bacterial infections. Anyone know how to use it?
  13. Deta is correct. Uneven patches can be common on neos. If ulcerations occur, it could be black spot disease. This is kinda rare in the US though, but I figured I'd provide info just in case: Taken from: http://www.tantora-intl.com/index.php?lay=show&ac=article&Id=539724902&Ntype=8 Catappa Leaves : Prevention Black Spot Disease of Dwarf Shrimp Black Spot Disease ; This disease is caused by Bacteria infection, Your shrimp will appear Black spot on head and body. Quote of Nasty12 member of www.aquaquotient.com “ What is black spot disease. The disease is caused by Benekea sp which attack main component of the cell walls of the exoskeletons of arthropods The early stages, lesions are small brown spots, ulcers after lesions gradually become black. Bacterial will destroyed muscle tissues under the shell. The most common bacterial infected area is the gill, abdominal muscle belly, tail section and gastropods. Seriously infected will just lie on its side, only gastropods and gills in motion. Black spot disease is one of the most common diseases. First the crustacean shell will get damaged, followed by crustaceans and detritus decomposing bacteria invade. Finally a deadly invasion of freshwater algae-like bacteria, spread and attack, causing shrimp mortality. (Happens when the immunity system is down)” Conclusion of research of Jiraporn Rojtinnakorn and Anchalee Tummarongkongsatid ; Catappa Leaves and Pomegranate Extract can prevent and treat bacterial infection that cause of Black spot disease in shrimp. So using Catappa Leaves and Pomegranate always in shrimp tank, they can prevent disease from Bacteria from lovely shrimp.
  14. If you want to, you can use an in tank heater to raise temp some. Also, water changes help shrimp to grow larger.
  15. Thanks Christine, however I *want* algae on the other sides of the tank. The algae make food that the shrimp eat, and it's great for young shrimp's first bites as well.
  16. Great to have another selective breeder here! Welcome!
  17. Too hard for toothbrush. I'm sure a razor blade will do it. I was just trying to avoid hands in the water too much. Thanks folks!
  18. Using the gassing, you'd remove shrimp first, add carb water, wait 24 hours, turn on O2, wait another 24 hours and then add shrimp back in. Non poisonous, but it would wipe out (possibly) all snails. But yeah. I do the veggie method too.
  19. What do you guys use to remove hard algae on glass? I have some on my front glass that is too tough for my floating mag to work on. I've thought about magic eraser, however I'm a little hesitant to be sticking my hands in the tank(s) and stirring up a lot of debris.
  20. If you don't have a CO2 system, you can turn off the air and pour in carbonated water. It will do the same thing and is actually beneficial to the plants. Then, turn air back on after a day or so, Problem is, snails are very hardy. AND I don't know if it would affects the protective sacks. Another way is to place a piece of lettuce in the bottom, wait for a couple hours and pull it out with snails. You can do this multiple times.
  21. Time to buy one of those $10 tailored suits!
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