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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I don't mind at all. In fact, if we want to make this Pinto Q & A thread, I'm all for it!
  2. Yeah. That's when it's NOT fun and you have to use your detective skills and educated guesses to figure out what could possibly be causing it. Kinda like being a doctor for your tank(s).
  3. Did anyone see this listing? LOL http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-1-Orange-Sakura-Live-Aquarium-Shrimp-Neocaridina-/291244842618?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43cf8b9e7a
  4. I saw that on their website with previous name.
  5. If the deaths continue day after day, you know you have a problem.
  6. I guess I'm asking more along the lines of is it better to use a male pinto to breed to female pinto mich, or to have male pinto mich to breed to female pintos? Much of my knowledge comes from selectively breeding neos, but in neos the fem carries most color. In crs males carry most color genes (so I'm told), So, perhaps a male pinto is better to breed to female pinto mich for the best increased chances of pintos? --- Also, I've heard it is very hard to get female pintos because the breeders tend to keep them. Is this true?
  7. We all have to help each other, my friend. Others may have other ways of doing things, however this is what I've found works for me.
  8. glasgarten bacter ae, snowflake, and omniapro (without astax)
  9. Thanks Miwu. I'm a total noob as far as the pintos go. So would you do TB mich x pinto to increase pinto odds then? Does it matter which pinto (male or fem) when back breeding?
  10. That would be Taylor that has the mantis. Ultimately it would be up to the admin (oblongshrimp) to make a new section if he wants to. I'm sure he will respond to this provided he sees the post.
  11. evilguppy, I don't use anything to raise kh when using gh+. Never had a problem with neos or cards being affected by swing.
  12. Usually in order for a section to open up it needs a fair amount of posts already. If the section were on brackish/saltwater...well, more people own ula so maybe that would work, but we may need more posts yet. (?)
  13. Ch3f, yeah. I know, it's like taking $100 bills and lighting them on fire right? At least that would be more direct. LOL But yeah, I'm gonna try. Bost, thanks. I'm looking at around spring when it warms up enough to receive them. Extremely cold here in the winter, and not sure how they would fair in extreme freezing temps in the mail.
  14. Is anyone able to suggest trustworthy places to get various types of Pintos? Any members here breed them?
  15. Jason, fantastic experiments and information you shared! Thank you!
  16. Keep in mind some towns/cities spray insecticides from trucks onto trees as they drive through the neighborhoods.
  17. We all are in this to have the best shrimp tanks we can. So, if someone is asking for something, and I know where to get it- there's no reason not to say where they can find it.
  18. heh Sure, give me a prototype and add 5 years.
  19. My guess is they harvest them, chop the plants and then package them. Hopefully they do better their 2nd go.
  20. We all have to help each other, my friend.
  21. Ch3fb0yrdee is I've never tried it, but it is supposed to be really good.
  22. Let's take this to pm so I don't derail this thread further.
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