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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. That's weird. they should last 6-7 months before going dormant.
  2. I have to charge up my camera, but after that I'll try to get some pics for ya.
  3. Thanks. I've heard some really bad things about buying aponos from chain stores. Basically because they get them on bulk deals and those are usually the ones not in the best of shape that are left over. So, although that makes a great profit for the chain stores, it means for the buyer they sometimes don't sprout or do well. :rollseyes:
  4. Okay, guess it's up to me to answer then. I don't have experience (yet) with these plants, however I've wanted to get them so I have done some research for a small time on them. No need to clip the apono flower. It just means it is about to go into dormancy, so enjoy the flower and then the plant will look like it is dying. The stems will wilt and die off, etc. That's because in the wild they go through a dry season. In about a month or so it will start growing again. So if you don't want a tank of aponos that die off at the same time, stagger your planting and you'll always have some green.
  5. Don't know. The albinos are very sensitive. I've been trying to "hardy" them up. I did a breeding project to create the plat white guppy with black eyes and have had good results now. I should have some for sale soon if interested. The plat whites are interesting. From one angle the body looks white, from another yellow. The fins are always white, although an orange streak can occasionally occur. I have some albino see thru also which are just now breeding.
  6. Not the buyer I bought them from, but very similar to this:
  7. Wombats are some of my favorite animals. Welcome!
  8. That's a possibility I'd not thought about, chib.
  9. Best bet is mulm bomb, or mulm bomb a bucket with the new running filter for a day.
  10. Depends how much you are looking to pay. My plat whites I pd $100+ for a trio, but those came from a international prize winning breeder.
  11. Wow! Then they have a history of doing this! Your state health dept may be able to send out a health inspector, and you may be able to contact the BBB on their web site.
  12. Sounds like Anna L. is also part of your group, no? "They chased me for under tipping by $1. I under tipped because your service was bad and food was mediocre. Tip is not obligated! Reality check ppl. Don't waste your time"
  13. Good idea. I didn't think of that one.
  14. Looks as if all the food poisoning issues were written around the same day leading me to believe all the comments are from the same party. Also a baby is mentioned at least a couple times, also leading me to this conclusion. However there are an awful lot of low stars for rude waiters and extremely slow service. Yeah, I'd definitely avoid it.
  15. I have that in there, but I'd like to provide food to fatten them up for breeding, too.
  16. That's going to come in handy, Elo. Thank you.
  17. Hmmm...maybe I'll try that. Any other thoughts?
  18. I'm lazy about cucumbers since they won't sink unless a fork, etc is in it. And have tried plecocaine but that makes a mess. Is there a sinking food that anyone can recommend that will feed well, can be left in and not foul the water? Some disk or something?
  19. So I decided to see how well the auction thang works on this site. I put up about a dozen Malawa in he Market section and started it at the rock bottom bid of $1 with no reserve. Always good to have win-win situations. --- A bit aggravated right now. My gups seem to have thrown about 95% females. UGH! Some people say high temps can change ratios during pregnancy in live bearers, others with gups it is a myth. All I know is that these were thrown during the times my fish room was roughly 80-84F and I have mostly fems. I'm looking at the possibility of blue posos and Rubra. Would love to play with Bloody Shrimp too, but that has to wait until someone can get their hands on a batch. At least one member has promised in a thread to see if they can locate them though, so I have hope. Supposedly they need 40F to breed, however I'm thinking if they acclimated themselves to the great lakes here in the US, it also may be possible to acclimate them to breeding in room temp.
  20. Good news on hearing everyone is well so far!
  21. Plants that have done well for me @ 80F are Najas sp. (guadalupensis and Roraima,) and moss.
  22. A lot of shrimp keeping is learning not only about keeping, but about ourselves and how we can do things better. When we don't "grow", our hobby "life" is over. Sounds like you are still very healthy.
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