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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Found these shrimp themes for firefox and thought I'd share. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/shrimp/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/my-little-shrimp-tank/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/red-bee-shrimp2011/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/a-shrimp-and-wave-kamon-/
  2. Thanks. I'm sorry to hear about your stock dying off though.
  3. Where I am, there are no TOTers anymore. When I was a kid, we waited until dark and hit the blocks in costumes. Now, it's just too dangerous.
  4. No hurry. Just glad you are offering to raok some at some time. Thank you.
  5. Darwin algae eater shrimp. Supposed to love hair algae.
  6. I don't have any at the moment, but that may change real soon if I can sell some shrimp to cover the poso set up/cost. Will, do you still have these?
  7. Here's a link to what I use: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/351-chriss-fish-room-basement-remodel/page-4#entry5128 and http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?app=core&module=modcp&fromapp=members&tab=iplookup&ip= You can also visit the jehmco site and look up valves to put into pvc pipe. I used the AV1B when I started with pvc, but look at the avmp series. It may serve your purpose and your work is already done. http://jehmco.com/html/air_accessories.html
  8. Run the line through manifolds. If you try to run valves in-line from an airline, your air pressure will become non-existant.
  9. I have an AL-60 and it runs an air output of 68 lpm @ 2.18 psi. Currently it is pumping air to ~ 60 tanks with more air power when I'll eventually need it. So in theory 68 lpm/60 = ~1.13 ea tank which is more than enough. 1.13 x 12 = 13.56 and you are looking at 20 lpm, so you should be fine. The psi will depend more on how deep the sponge filters are located in your tank and how far down or up they are on your shelves. You should be fine though.
  10. Just remember to stay positive about the shrimp. The first several tanks I killed off my shrimp. Of course I wasn't part of a forum then. heh The secret is to keep at it and you'll learn through the forum, your experiences, and do great!
  11. The rili are great when they are high quality. Nice clean lines. They look like they are painted. However I really like the splotched. Each shrimp is different. Never the same. It makes a nice break for me as a selective breeder who focuses on vars and breeding true. If I was interested in keeping shrimp for pets, I could so totally see picking out 3 or 4 shrimp. Knowing who they were by markings and calling them names. Do you think the interest in rili/splotched is fading away to nothingness? If so, the var may become extinct like so many others.
  12. pssst: BP is a different shrimp than cherries. heh Your wood shrimp pattern-color is probably chocolate sakura.
  13. Thanks for sharing your findings, Briggadane. Blue Pearls are actually a different shrimp (Neo Palmata) than cherries (Neo Davidi). So you by breeding it back to a cherry, you probably have blue rilis. Or call it your own strain name since it wasn't thrown from a RR, and there's no way to tell if it is a blue rili unless breeding it to another blue rili to see if it throws wilds. (Even then the blue may be a simple recessive or dominant or co-dominant color, but I digress.) Also, blue diamonds come from a selected strain of chocolates anyway. The actual blues that are thrown are a small % of those chocolates. So what you did was take a throw from a chocolate strain and breed it back to a chocolate strain.
  14. You already know the carbon rili and cherry will breed, right?
  15. Astaxanthin causes color problems in neos. I haven't had problems feeding flake to my Malawas though.
  16. Archie, for the most part we are self policing. We care about the friendliness of this community and the openness of sharing.
  17. This is your answer -----> "nasty algae to be gotten rid of"
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