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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sorry to hear that. Moving him to a qt tank?
  2. Those...are...AWESOME!!!
  3. I hate crashes and accidents. Talk about feeling out of control!
  4. 1. Metageologist 2. ANBU 3. h4n 4. DETAquarium 5. Rodan76 6. Soothing Shrimp I know I mostly do neos, but HEY- it's shrimp!
  5. Depends on the fish. I remember one poster on a forum thread posting their betta died from the belly exploding from eating too much. I would think it would take a massive amount of food though.
  6. Most likely barometric pressure.My shrimp go off breeding in the winter
  7. I'd love to give you an answer on that, Christine, however both still have "cf" in the taxonomy. “Cf” means “confer” or “looks like”. When used after “Genus,” it's implying “this shrimp looks like this “Genus”, but aside from that, it has not been “identified.” Until more study is done on placing shrimp into the proper taxonomy, we're only working from educated guesses.
  8. I know Disco Bee sells them. http://www.discobee.com/collections/shrimp-tank-supplies/products/shrimp-basket
  9. CRS/CBS and OEBT are both Caridina cf. cantonensis, with the difference being sp. Bee and sp. Blue Tiger respectively. They both have very different looks by nature and not through selected variety. To many people, by saying they are the same, they would assume you mean they are both started out looking the same and have been selectively bred into different vars. heh As you know, this was not the case. That's why the main way of referring to them by hobbyists are in the classification of "Bees" and "Tigers." Otherwise it's just too confusing.
  10. So, some random thoughts... If the water does not meet the underside of the table, and you use a bubbler or sponge filter, you will have condensation under the glass top and not be able to see down into it. Shrimp are pretty adaptable, so noise wouldn't bother me, however light rigging would be tough on the underside of the glass and again affect visual from above. Your best bet may be to light from the OUTSIDE around the perimeter of the top of the base. This would also allow better access to the light, create mood lighting for different situations if desired and running of any cords. Your spectrum would be altered by shining through the the acrylic/glass though.
  11. Tupperware works pretty well in a pinch, and cheaper too....
  12. Classic Rili pretty much means the clear middle. (Skeleton in CRS) It involves some regular culling. Splotched means random patches. Very little culling involved.
  13. Here's some rili pics from the net for reference: Red Rili Orange rili Carbon Rili
  14. http://iz.carnegiemnh.org/crayfish/country_pages/state_pages/florida.htm
  15. Some reports have been that the assassin snail oozes a toxic substance that slows the shrimp down, and catches them that way. Poopians, I heard the same argument about planaria not being able to catch shrimp too, but after some of my shrimp were caught I declared war. But like I said, I have no first hand accounts of assassins and shrimp because I won't take that chance.
  16. Just paranoid I guess, however there have been some bad accounts of assassins and shrimp- so I don't do assassins in shrimp tanks.
  17. Man, I feel for ya. Think you had a crash of some sort?
  18. The one on the right looks to be Malawa. The one on the left, I'm unsure. All my Malawa seem to have brown eggs.
  19. Found a yellow rili fem in the tank (this comes from my Sunshines BTW), but debating on whether to use her or not for the rili project. The yellow isn't rili-ish, but more splotched and very light, making the splotching hard to see. Plus no stripe. I want to add nice bold color and am afraid if I add her the color may take a step backwards. Then again, I may add her anyway with the understanding I can always cull the bad coloration....decisions decisions...
  20. 1st timers often lose their eggs. I wouldn't sweat it. You may do everything right and find out the next day the eggs are gone anyway.
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