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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I know I'd be very upset if I ordered a new product and it has been sent to me in pieces with the wrapping cut off.
  2. This makes pming photos soooooo much easier! Thanks Will!
  3. Did you see if the person was willing to resend crs to make up for the shipment?
  4. Predators chasing shrimp will make them jump.
  5. You may be able to create a Blood Red Line and Scarlet line that way, due to the effect the tissue underneath has with light shining on the shell pigment.
  6. I have the same problem in mine. I pm'ed Will once and he was able to add a paper clip in that message, but somehow it doesn't do it in any of the other pm's for me.
  7. I know I'm the odd person out, but Neos make me drool, and I can't WAIT to see the photos!
  8. Sounds like a fantastic opportunity! I'd love to know more on any new vars in neos.
  9. It finally connected. I hate when paypal does that.
  10. Anyone else having problems with paypal doing shipping labels today? I have boxes waiting here to ship...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. LOL Well, those with money do I guess. I don't have moola, so cheap camera pics will have to do for me.
  12. Simple. I don't. For several years I kept Neos with just SS gh+, then this year I decided to use gh/kh. I see little difference except for a possible slow down on berries. I think for neos, kh has been stressed way to much. RO has a natural ph of around 7, aerating my tanks raises that slightly and keeps it pretty stable. *shrugs* Just my opinion though. I *have* been using baking soda in my crs tank though to raise ph some without affecting kh. If you really wanted to raise kh without affecting anything else, you could just use epsom salts.
  13. I think these may be what is talked about?
  14. Due to the differences, and the fact they are kept together- it leads me to believe they are not selectively bred out, rather possibly two different species not recognized yet. -or- Two var of the same species that does not breed true. However that seems less likely since the leg characteristics are different.
  15. I tried cleaning up Silane's pic a little:
  16. Taylor, Silane mentions ha feeds his cardinals Mosura Specialty CRS food- and that they mostly eat in the dark. Have you tried this?
  17. For what it is worth, I've been using gh/kh for my neos this year, and just ran out of the large jar. I'm going to go back to the gh+ again.
  18. I'm a 45 yr old character actor. Most of my experience of 40+ years has been on stage. I also have done film, tv, radio shows, and voice over work. Looking to start pursuing it more seriously next year since my kids are old enough now. If anyone needs voice overs on their sites, etc. Just pm me. Maybe we can work out shrimp trade or something. If anyone has any connections in the industry, I can use your help!
  19. Did you try Speedie? Also try Dreamer-yoyo. She works almost exclusively with them.
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