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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. You should do a DIY in the DIY section of how to re-silicone a tank.
  2. I'd love to see a close up pic, too. I can't make much out of that one.
  3. Pure ro contains no kh. This means the ph can flux depending on the presence of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (which forms carbonic acid in solution.) By adding minerals (and ions) your ph meter is able to read actual ph of whatever is added. High quality RO should actually read neutral 7ph, but the ph meters are often just not sensitive enough to sense it.
  4. That's kinda weird. In the US Tiger shrimp are usually kept around low 7ph, while Sulawesi are usually closer to 8+ph.
  5. pure. However, I found that too much spinach can mess up yellows too. Found that one out by accident.
  6. That's correct. I only fed astax 2-3 times a week for 2 weeks. So that makes 4-6 feedings.
  7. I thought folks may like to see the results from an experiment I did in 2013 on some yellows by feeding them astaxanthin for 10 days: They stayed this way for almost a year. They went from yellow to bluish/greenish to brownish. My suspicions are that some "blueberries" being sold are fed astaxanthin to change their color as well.
  8. For me, it's better not to guess. I just try not to use it on neos at all.
  9. 30 lashes with wet Java Moss!
  10. My main interest are mutations and varieties. So I'm glad you found the info helpful. It's a shame it hasn't caught on the the US.
  11. That's a relief. *whew* I won't have any problem buying the NEW one then. Thank you for checking Poopians!
  12. The shrimp love it, which is unusual for my shrimp. If it doesn't have it anymore, I'll buy it in a heartbeat. It's one of the only foods I've seen them WANT to eat. Can anyone contact the company and find out?
  13. Has anyone tried CSF Medi-mix or CSF Mountain power mix? Do you like it?
  14. Look here: http://www.hanaquatics.com/omnia-pro-edge/
  15. !#@@$^#$$&% I removed it from all my neo tanks. Hopefully I removed it in time. There's still some remnants. I only fed it today. It's bad for neos as my previous experiment proved. It turns yellows brown and does icky stuff with neo colors. CRAP! I hate when I do !#@$^#^$ stupid unthinking stuff like this!!!!!! :growl: My own rule is to never feed astaxanthin to neos! It plays havoc with selective breeding. Stupid Stupid Stupid.......
  16. I screwed up. I was sent a sample of omniapro and fed it to my yellow shrimp without looking at ingredients. Anyone had any bad color changes with yellow shrimp after doing this? It contains astaxanthin.
  17. What is the advantage of a box liner?
  18. Have you tried baby brine shrimp? A lot of times the pickiest eaters will get started on that due to instinct. If you need any help hatching them, or need some eggs to try, pm me and I'll help you out.
  19. I love feathertails! Reminds me of a Native American headdress.
  20. I forgot about that technique! Basically remove your shrimp, and then by adding soda water, you overdose on CO2 and gas the buggers to death. The CO2 comes off, does no harm to plants, and when the water is reoxygenated the shrimp can be added again.
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