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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. This is why I'm going back into neos. Seems no matter how hard I try, I can't escape shrimp being sold by phenotype rather than genotype. ;-)
  2. I'll ask the admin group. Thanks for the suggestion, Deta.
  3. Looking great! Nessies are a weird strain. The weirdest I've every worked with. Definitely one of the most beautiful though. Unlike some other striped neos, some Nessie stripes are triggered by hormonal changes from being berried, is my guess. I've seen that happen before with some of them after eggs.
  4. Latest speakers confirmed for there is - George Blasiola – Chris Buerner – Sanjay Joshi – Oliver Knott – Chris Lukhaup – Richard Ross – Julian Sprung – Lawrence Kent – Liz Marchio – Joe Olenik – Michael Johnson – Lynn Switanowski.
  5. I'll have to try again. The pseudo kanoko for me started having their black take over. I didn't even move them to the other tank...although it still may be interesting to see what comes of it. Lava shrimp?
  6. OEM, they are a color of Neo. :-) Mr. F, fantastic! I'm glad you are getting eggs and young! You'll be amazed at all the different Nessie types thrown just from one clutch!
  7. I'm trying that cross now. No berries yet though. My suspicion is that WB were made from selective breeding out the red.
  8. Wishing everyone a thoughtful Memorial Day today!
  9. Thanks guys. Been trying hard to get into TB...just not feeling it. Been doing a lot of film shooting here recently, so will be pretty busy until main shoots are done at the end of July. By then, I may find myself getting back into neos...
  10. Heyya Devilduck. " 2. The gene that shows blue ramshorns seems to be recessive. If you have a tank of blue rams they will also give birth to more red/brown shell colors more often then blue. " Something else may be at work then. If blue is a simple recessive, then blue x blue should not throw red/browns.
  11. I hope you crack the code breeding them. The only ones I have heard of bragging about breeding them, are ones who receive imports. My suspicion is they already were carrying when received
  12. Deta hit the nail on the head. I'd also like to add that often people sell offspring from PFR as painteds, but in truth the only way to know if they are FR or PFR is after they mature.
  13. " Do some or most of them end up turning black (BKK) as they get older? " <------------ This.
  14. I love you even put a link in to help others around you! Have you thought about copying this post and then putting it in the DIY section with pics?
  15. On my phone it looks like an eroded olive due to low ph.
  16. You may have the occasional rili pop out if mixing, but you won't have to worry about the cross causing wilds. Depends what your end goal is.
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