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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Well the white cray just showed up again in the tank out of nowhere! The tank is bare and I moved the sponge filter to look inside before. He just reappeared from nowhere! I'm flabbergasted!
  2. Woke up this morning and one of my white alleni is missing. Got out through the glass covered tank. My fault since I was messing with lighting yesterday. *sigh* My cat is a mouser, so since there is no trace, I'm assuming my feline had a nice snack- and if not, perhaps I'll have a dried ornament to put on the Christmas tree if ever found.
  3. May want to try Ravensgate. She's been trying to liquidate some of her stock.
  4. That's the same question I first asked years ago when I joined a forum. heh IN a nutshell, shrimp bodies are built differently. They don't grow fatter with more food.
  5. Wow, what a beautiful young lady! Chris, I'd have remembered seeing her before too!
  6. My general rule is under 50F, a heat pack is needed. However if a seller doesn't know how to use it correctly, it can cook your shrimp.
  7. When living in colder climates such as Illinois, heat packs are a necessity, as well as insulated packages. I've had shrimp arrive dead via priority mail because the seller decided to not have heat packs. Really, a lot depends on where you live.
  8. *shrugs* Other sponges have worked well for me, too.
  9. Tested and passed with flying colors via shipments to others. Nothing wrong with them, I just don't like the feel. I like the rubbery feel of Kordon better. I used to make part of my living by making animal balloons. I'm just used to tying knots and not using bands. heh
  10. They work, and are tougher than Kordon. They have a poly feel. I like the feel of kordon better though. Easier to tie a knot. Just "feel" preference,
  11. around 7" x 9.75" according to my tape measure.
  12. 65+ Ultimate brand breather bags for $15. Anyone want 'em? You pay shipping, so you tell me if you want them snail mail or priority. Fair?
  13. I don't know how well this thread will do, however I was thinking to myself as I was walking my kids to school today that we are around each other much of the time talking shrimp, and yet if we were to network a little between ourselves, we probably would find out that we may be able to help each other out in other ways too by simply letting things be known. For instance, Chris does cell phone repair, and buys cell phones for parts, etc as well. Perhaps another member may need his service, wants to sell their phone, or knows someone that does. See? Simple. Anyone?
  14. Perhaps you and she should post in the face section to "introduce" yourselves?
  15. I've also noticed from autopsies that teh eggs are actually encased in a gelatinous substance. They aren't just loose. Perhaps the first time allows hormones to start being produced to start making that substance in a larger quantity to help carry the eggs as well. And maybe that explains why we see dropped eggs and some left from 1st timers and occasionally others.
  16. Would you show what an airstone attached under the inside plastic looks like? I take off the extender tube on the double. It makes the tube shorter. I haven't noticed a significant difference yet.
  17. Honestly, that's all you can do. It may take generations for the modifiers to line up again just right, if they do. Let's just hope that it happens sooner than later.
  18. Nice tanks. The good thing about a forum is that you have lots of opinions to choose from. What works for one person may or may not work for another, so the differing opinions are important. For instance, my neos are messy. A food dish never helped, so I ended up taking them out. But someone else may have a different experience.
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