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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. When we formed the forum, we wanted free exchange of information with no secrets. I think people appreciate that.
  2. We have now hit 400 members and 23,000 posts! Great job everyone for making this the best shrimp forum around!
  3. Somatic cell mutations are basically mutations in the cells that do not change the dna in the egg or sperm, therefore cannot be passed on. (Had to explain that for anyone reading.) I found that to be common in some BBRRs as well, Shrimpo. It may very well be that. Have you considered a mass approach? 3-4 fems in with the one male? Also, dumb question I know, however are you sure it is a male?
  4. It's a hard project, but one I feel will be well worth it for a new true breeding var to eventually be in the hobby. I welcome your involvement!
  5. *shrugs* Just my experience, however it work(s) great for me.
  6. At least now the shrimp won't have to be wormed. I hate having to deal with those tiny syringes anyway.
  7. temp 79F, gh- haven't checked recently (I'm guessing ~10?), ph 7+, TDS ~500 My Malawa are tanks, dude. The more I ignore their params, the better they do. I also throw the occasional dead fish in there or cray molt. They are always hungry. I have so many breeding, I have to feed flake every day or they'll cannibalize. A 12" Mulberry leaf will be gone the next day.
  8. one color shrimp: snowballs, blue velvets, fire reds, yellows, blue rili (solid blue tissue), Nessies, pumpkins Chocolates are pretty good, but do throw wilds/blues every once in a while.
  9. Truthfully, first and second timers will often drop eggs as they learn to carry them.
  10. Sounds like a plan. PM me here when you are ready, my friend.
  11. If you use chocolate shrimp, they will be somewhat camouflaged from the betta...
  12. Shipping is to the continental US only. Chocolate Shrimp- 10 for 39.50 insulated priority shipping included (2.95 ea.) Imported as Schoko from Germany several years ago. Blue Velvet- 10 for 49.50 insulated priority shipping included (3.95 ea.) These are earlier generations of my Sonic line, so have some nice blue showing. Malawa Shrimp- 10 for 29.50 insulated priority shipping included (1.95 ea) ***The Malawa Shrimp are NOT known to crossbreed with ANY other shrimp!*** These easily outbreed my cherry shrimp. Often they have tiger stripes, and colors can range from reddish-brown, greyish-black, blue, to greenish-clear. [Please don't ask for specific colors since they all have the same genetics.] Keep in mind, to my knowledge no one has bred a color strain of these yet, so the opportunity is there. See my other ad in the market place for 10 BBRR culls for just 29.50 insulated priority shipping included. (1.95 ea.) Baby Marmorkrebs (Marble Crayfish)- 2.50 ea. (I also have young adults for a little more. Just ask.) (Image above is a young adult taken from the web.) The only known self cloning crayfish. Neat pet for keeping in a hardscape tank by themselves. When mature these are perfect for producing food for feeding fish/turtles/Axolotls, etc. These are nearing 1/2" in size and can reach 3-5" at maturity. They are opportunistic feeders so will eat flake, pellets, plants, just about anything you decide to feed them. Easy peazy. I also have a dwarf cajun cray and schufeldti available for FREE. I need the tanks space, so just ask. (Still need to pay shipping though.) Plants: Brazillian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle Leucocephala)- 10 nodes for $4.95. Need more? Let me know. I have lots of nodes, but unsure how many packages until I start removing it. Estimated priority shipping for plant is $6 to continental US only. Shipping for shrimp/crays is a flat $10 and covers priority insulated box, and breather bags. If you need a heat pack, please let me know. I can ship Mondays and Tuesdays.
  13. I'm in. 1.ANBU 2. Countryboy12484 3. h4n 4. Merth 5. Uscgjay 6. r45t4m4n 7. Soothing Shrimp
  14. Welcome to our underwater world.
  15. Great for you to be with us, dude.
  16. LOL Astrology, not witchcraft. LOL
  17. They look like juvies as well, which is also hard to tell.
  18. So let me get this straight... they just slapped a label on it and threw it in the mail?
  19. "@Soothing - Look what you've created!! LOL.. " I think the best asset we can have in our shrimping is knowledge. This forum is great for experiences, knowledge and opinions. In fact, IMO, the best shrimping forum on the net right now- due to the members willing to share here.
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