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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. This is a very unusual and rare neo shrimp variety. I looked for months hitting up breeder after breeder, seller after seller until I got my basic stock. From there, I worked with them for the past couple years getting them to the point where they are now. Some of you know that I have been working on my BBRR project for a long while now. The challenge has been "shell pigment vs tissue color." Consider it a see-saw. If you increase one, the other goes down and visa versa. It's definitely the most challenging project I've had to date. I wasted much time in the beginning buying what was supposed to be genetic BBRR, but actually turned out to be "accidentals" from RR. Simply, the BBRR did not carry through to the offspring. After much trial and error, I managed to breed a colony that seems to be throwing a good amount of BBRR. However, now having achieved that, the coloration still isn't as intense as I would like. So, the time has come to save my best 5 and say good by to the rest, in order to attempt to line up more modifiers for better coloration. Some of you have written me asking what would be an interesting project to try...this may be your answer. Here's a pic of some of the colony. Most of these I'm selling off now appear as RR (and may actually be BBRR, but have extremely light blue tissue.) I do have the occasional cherry and BR thrown. Interestingly enough, as far as I can tell, every single one carries the genetics for BBRR though. True breeding BBRR are pretty rare in my experience. Most are accidentals from RR strains. I've seen some pretty bad ones go for go for ~$7 ea. But hey, some sellers may have a source for legit and cheaper strains. I can only vouch for my own strain. I really want to give people here a crack at these. I feel these could be a great var. with enough people working on them for intensity of color. But here's the fine print: I'd really like these to go to people who want to improve this unusual neo project variety. Wouldn't it be great to have a deep blue tissue with opaque red pigments? If you own 1 tank and want to try these- great! If you own 60 tanks and want to try your hand at this project- that's fine, too. I've already put a couple years into it, so you are that far along already. To be honest, I just don't want mass breeding with no concern of improving this strain. We have enough big breeders doing that already. So here's a great deal for the Shrimp Spot Forum: A package of 10 shrimp for only $19.50 + $10 priority shipping in the continental US! These will be picked randomly from the tank, and may show RR, BBRR, BR or cherry. As stated though, all contain true BBRR genes. I *think* I have close to 4 packages left. Sound fair?
  2. Just thought I'd share a pic taken Sunday at the theatre.
  3. I think there's a difference between just shrimp substrate with ph lowering properties and shrimp/plant substrate though. For instance UP sand doesn't leech any ammonia or ammonium at all, and can be used immediately- but it is not made for plants. I'm sure there are similar substrates.
  4. Chocolates in my opinion are under rated. They look awesome, and can surprise you every once in a while. Welcome!
  5. Is there a minimum length to cut the rhizome? heh Can you tell I'm nervous?
  6. Personal opinions are what makes the world go 'round and keeps the shrimping interesting.
  7. I'm being overrun with pennywort. LOL 10 nodes for $4.95 Need more? Let me know. I have lots of nodes, but unsure how many packages until I start removing it. Estimated priority shipping $6 to continental US only.
  8. Welcome to our forum. The hmf retainer looks pretty cool. How did you do that?
  9. The reds don't reproduce by tuber though, right?
  10. Yepper. It does say that. However it is easy to break down components of a food to make the food unrecognizable. For example, a food may be entirely made of carrots for instance. No other additives, and yet have the label read truthfully: Fiber, Folates, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Electrolytes, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc, Phyto-nutrients, Carotene alpha, Carotene beta See what I mean? BTW I mean no disrespect to glasgarten- I use it myself. I'm just looking for a possible cheaper source.
  11. I seem to recall someone somewhere saying glasgarten ae is really rice bran or rice meal. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  12. I know one study followed shrimp for 10 generations and saw no problems with inbreeding, with plenty of genetic diversity. Thankfully shrimp are not like mammals. Nature knows they live in ponds for a loooong time, so made it possible to interbreed without any bad problems coming from it.
  13. Anyone have any Aponogeton undulatus bulbs that will grow, or know where to get them? The bigger chains seem to sell 2nds that just don't sprout.
  14. How come only one has white arms? Is that a gender diff?
  15. Well I didn't vote because I'm torn. True, some are nicely landscaped, but I have to admire the creativity some of the other tanks.
  16. Sounds like they may have reverted to wild. As long as you (and the shrimp) are happy, that's what counts!
  17. Really it comes down to "dirty" vs "clean." I squeeze sponges for cycling, but mulm does get everywhere- which is kind of the idea for the bacteria. The other products are invisible.
  18. This has lightning effects too. Never had that before. LOL Not that I'll use anything but one setting probably.
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