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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Just got the light about an hour ago. For $12 (free shipping with Prime), it can't be beat. I did find out that you have to stand to the side of the light for the remote to work, but I can live with that. My first LED fixture.
  2. Too much spinach affects color weirdly in neos. You could have very well stated the reason for the brown coloration. However, the wild coloration is brownish, and if the brown is only in the head area- that's the guts you are seeing through the shell/tissue. White pearls will have white eggs.
  3. Is there such a thing as too much light for anubias?
  4. Not a pleasant thought, but keep in mind if any legs come off or anything, they'll grow back with next molt. It helps to know that scientific studies have revealed their nerve cluster is not set up to feel pain.
  5. That's awesome, Boston. Hope I have that when I get more into crystals. --- Well, it looks as though raising the TDS to 300+ did the trick. I'm finally seeing some berries again.
  6. Agreed. My opinion: gh over 6 is great TDS 200+ PH 7+
  7. IMO it was probably a temperature change in combo with TDS. I've dropped 100 TDS before with neos with no ill effects. Sounds as if it maybe wasn't ready to molt though. You can always take the shrimp out of the water, and put it on a table. Take two toothpicks,and gently remove the molt by "pulling" on the loose molt attached. Even the shrimp flipping can help remove it if you have the other end. Keep a paper towel moist under it and you have ~10-20 sec to work. Then plop him back in the water. If you don't remove it, chances are he's a goner anyway.
  8. I use the deck of cards analogy a lot. While not perfect, it gets the thought across well enough. If you are selectively breeding, you are trying to get the modifiers to line up into a "deck." With each generation, you get closer to your goal. If you add new blood at that time, the "cards" get scattered again and you are back at the beginning again. If you just want to have a good colony without selectively breeding, there's nothing wrong with adding new stock. However by doing this you can increase your odds of wilds (or poor coloration) if the colors aren't the same in genes or variety, as well as risking deaths because of different bacteria being introduced. It's just a necessary risk sometimes.
  9. "...but it doesnt show how long it took to get there." Years, Chris. Years.
  10. Yepper. We all have different opinions and experiences, so many different opinions and answers. And then, later on, those opinions will change with new knowledge and experiences. What seems correct today, may be different tomorrow. This is what keeps shrimping exciting. All the grey areas.
  11. I wish it was that easy. It would make my life as a selective breeding hobbyist sooooo much easier! LOL IN a nutshell, there is a gene for red, and a gene for blue. They one or the other and can't be mixed...unless co-genes, but that's a different discussion.
  12. I've never seen blueberry tiger before. Never knew that var existed. Go figure.
  13. "FYI. The longer you drip, the worse it will get. This is because it prolongs the water chemistry instability period." That's exactly why I use airline hose. Personally, I WANT to prolong the change for the shrimp to have a longer time to adapt to the changes that are occurring.
  14. Happened with my Nessie tank a while back, Randy. Lost hundreds. Thankfully I was able to save about 50 to start another colony. NOT a fun experience.
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