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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Do you have to make sure it has roots attached? Or leaves?
  2. How do you split anubias? At what point on the rhizome do you cut?
  3. As well you should. I don't think I have seen many reds that deep!
  4. This looks good. Interested in following along for answers
  5. My white plats take 4-5 months to be colored up.
  6. ch3f, please post results of your experiments. I'd love to follow along.
  7. GREAT question! Perhaps crs don't stop like Neos do? I know Malawa could care less.
  8. Congrats dude! Time to play the lottery!
  9. Wicca is the person I go to when I have gup questions.
  10. I wish you plenty of good wishes on your projects.
  11. You may be correct. All I'm saying is that there's no research to back up the theory either way. Internet myths are easy to get started. It's like the "report" that assassin snails killed someone in the field. "Here's a news report from TMU News, April 20, 2009 Killer Snail Kills German Reseacher Suluwasi Indonesia Today the body of Hans Feinkelstien of the Invert Research Foundation was found in a remote location of Suluwasi Indonesia by a local fish collector. Hans has been missing for 10 days when he failed to return from a scientific study of Anentome Helena or commonly called the Assassin Snail in the aquarium hobby. His body was discovered in a quiet pool near the Faketun River where Hans had been conducting his field studies. According to reports there was little left of Hans but that the entire body was covered by Anentome Helena. The Medical examiner that examined the body has determined that Hans was attacked and killed by the Anentome Helena. “All indications are that the snails he had collected were the cause of his death. We have found evidence to indicate that Hans was first attacked by the snails he had collected and then fell into the river as he struggled for his life.” stated the state medical examiner who examined the body. “This is why we need tighter restrictions of importation of species into the United States” screamed the senator from Guam when she heard the news. “I will get this bill through even if the science behind it is based on the same science the global warming scientist use. I mean how long before a Anentome Helena attacks and kills a child why they are cleaning their Spongebob Fish Tank.” There have been reports of Anentome Helena attacking and killing dwarf shrimp and according to researchers it would not be that big of a jump to assume that larger animals are on the menu. Anentome Helena has not been really studied in depth and the death of Hans has set back all information on this species by years since all his notes were lost when his notebook fell into the water with him." The above started out as a social experiment to see how far this made up story would spread. Now several sites are listing it as fact. LOL
  12. If my knowledge serves correctly, bluegrass has small black spots. How mature are they? Perhaps the spots are just coming in?
  13. Great info. Thanks for sharing. Knowledge is always good. I've seen the theory that orange eye means blindness or eye problems, however to my knowledge no scientific study or electron microscope examination of anatomy has ever been able to substantiate this. There was a student of macrobiology last year that corresponded with me trying to prove/disprove the theory, but his research got yanked before he could finish it. Regardless, I love the light eye look. I have had yellow, green, brown and black eyes in my neos.
  14. The other colors of shrimp are usually only available from hobbyists. The good news is that you found a whole forum of them! Welcome!
  15. Forgot about the pics. heh No problems, and the anubus is growing more leaves! I think I'm hooked on Anubus!
  16. 72 for just about all mailings. The smaller hours are great if you are cold in your area, but not where they are going.
  17. ph 8 and up, gh 10+, calcium tablets (tums, etc.) All that adds to strong and shiny shells.
  18. *shrugs* You may be correct. However a couple things to consider. The sponge is saturated with water. The inside is not dry, thus water still moves back and forth via molecule exchanges. Another consideration is that bacteria does not permeate the sponge filter. It only lives on the outside 1" or so, so water doesn't have to "get in" very far for the contents to be useful to a bacterial colony. We use the same concept on media.
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